I hereby, for my self/child/children, waive and forego any and all rights and claims I and/or my child/children may have against the Misneach Irish Dance Academy or its representatives regarding any injuries sustained while attending any Misneach Irish Dance Academy class, performance, or school activity including Feisenna (dance competitions)
I acknowledge there are NO REFUNDS OR CREDITS given for missed classes. I acknowledge there are NO REFUNDS OR CREDITS given if my child and/or I decide to discontinue classes for any reason. I further understand that all tuition, annual registration fees per family, and late fees per student are non-refundable. Finally, I acknowledge that a late fee of $25.00 is applied if tuition, registration, and/or any incurred late fees are not paid by the scheduled due dates. I understand the Misneach Irish Dance Academy payment policies.
Parents and dancers will be responsible for the total payment, even if you decide not to attend classes or disenroll before the class contract has ended.
Dancers are expected to be courteous and well-behaved at all times during class, performance, and competition.
Negative posts on social media about any dancer, dancer's family, dancing school, teacher, judge, feiseanna, and/or performance will NOT be tolerated.
Dancers hoping to compete in any competition must enroll in classes specified by the teacher. Absence from these classes will result in suspension from these events.
Dancers attending online classes must be attentive and exhibit respectable behavior. Dancers may be excluded from class if the instructor finds them inappropriate or disruptive.
I have read the current Misneach Irish Dance Academy information packet and I agree to and will abide by ALL the policies described therein.