If this is your first time here, please create an account by clicking the "create account" button on bottom left.
Please register your family information, then student(s).
Ages 3-7 should register in Combo Classes 2024-2025 (you need to pick at least two types)
Ages 8 and up should register in Regular Classes 2024-2025
Register for classes by your dancer's age. Any exceptions to the combo class age, I can manually override on my end once the student is enrolled and approved. Regular classes will be separated by age and ability on August 16 and the schedule will be released and emailed to you.
Tuition Prices will calculate after your classes are chosen. (Prices listed on our website)
Register in Auto Pay.
Regular tuition payments, as well as any other expenses can be paid in cash or check up until the due date. Once the due date has passed, your credit card will be charged with an added convenience fee.
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