Welcome to Moonstar's Online Portal!

If you are a new studio family, Welcome! Click on the link in the lower left corner "First Time Here-Create Account". Once logged in, you will first set up the PARENT account, then click add student and put your dancer(s) name there. The more information you can fill out now, the easier it will be later. **Must have student's birthdate added for the classes to show up correctly!!**
#1: Click on Waiver and accept, go to Home
#2: Click on Account Detail to update Parent info, go to Home
#3: Click on Manage Student. Each student in your family is listed, also their upcoming class(es). Click on each student(s) name to update student info, go to Home
#4: Enroll in Autopay, go to Home
**New Families: #5: Enroll in the classes your dancer wants to take, go to Home**
#6: Make Online Payment. Here you can view statements & pay for all open invoices. You must have a $0 balance to register for additional classes.

If you are a current studio family, you already have an account. Use the “Please Sign In” area with your email and password, then your account will open. Let us know if you need your account reset.

Thank you so much, Shadowmoon & the Moonstar Staff