Student & Parent Contract
Registration Fee
I understand that there is a $30 nonrefundable registration fee per family due at the time of registration. This fee is not eligible for a discount.
I understand that payment of tuition is due and payable on the first lesson of the month. Creative Edge Dance Studio (CEDS) accepts payment via cash, check or credit card (on line only). Tuition is non-refundable. A late charge of $15 will be assessed if payment is not received by the 15th. I understand that I will be charged a returned check fee of $25 if my check is not honored. Please make checks payable to Creative Edge Dance Studio.
I agree that my monthly tuition prices are calculated on an annual/session basis and will stay the same; as some months have more classes than others and school breaks and holidays occur. I understand that the instructors are prepared each class to teach my child. If my child misses any class, I am still required to make my full monthly tuition. December will be half price tuition. Refunds are only given in the case of emergencies and/or to those who have paid by semester or by year who withdraw before the semester in which tuition has been paid.
I agree that if I enroll in autopay, CEDS will process my tuition payment for me. Autopays are processed on the 1st of each month. Credit cards declined will be charged a $15 late fee if other payment is not received by the 15th of the month. You may sign up online for autopay.
• 10% discount when the year’s tuition is paid in full at the beginning of the season.
• 5% discount when the semester’s tuition is paid in full at the beginning of the semester.
Late Fee/Over Due Policy
• Any accounts not paid by the 15th of each month will be charged at $15 late fee.
• All returned checks will be charged a $25.00 NSF fee.
Recital/Costume Fee
I understand that CEDS holds a studio recital two times a year for all students in December and May. Classes will purchase recital costumes that will be worn for both recitals and will range in price depending on the class. If a costume has been ordered for my child and I later decide not to participate in the recital, I must pay for the costume fee. To receive my child’s costume(s) ALL TUITION and ALL COSTUME fees must be paid. Costume fees are due by October 1st or February 1st, for those who enroll in the spring. Costume fees are not eligible for a discount.
Authorization of Emergency Medical Care
I hereby authorize the staff and director to give consent for any and all necessary emergency medical care for the above listed student while said student is in the custody of CEDS personnel. I also hold CEDS or any other CEDS personnel harmless in such an event.
I understand that it is vitally important that my child not miss class. I agree that the two months leading up to recital time are especially busy. If my child misses three consecutive classes in the months of November/December and April/May, they will not be able to catch up to the rest of the group and will not be able to perform with their class.
I agree that if my child is more than 15 minutes late, they will have missed a substantial portion of warm ups and they will not be permitted to actively participate in class but they may sit and watch. This is for the safety of your child.
Termination of Enrollment
We understand that situations may arise which prevent continued participation. Those who wish to terminate their enrollment should notify CEDS in writing in advance. Any tuition paid is non-refundable. In addition, my child’s enrollment will be terminated by CEDS if my child misses 4 consecutive classes without prior notice to Mrs. Jenessa or her associates. I understand that I will be responsible for any and all tuition, including costume fees, up to the date that my child’s enrollment is terminated.
Class Observation
Due to student distraction, I understand that I am not permitted to enter the studio while class is in session. If my child’s teacher chooses to open the door, I may observe quietly from the doorway.
I understand and agree to the following:
• Siblings are never permitted to be left alone at the studio.
• Students may not be dropped off more than 15 minutes before a class begins. If I am early, I must wait in the lobby with my child.
• My child will not be released to go outside of the studio on their own. I must come inside to get him/her.
• No one will be permitted on the dance floor before or between classes unless invited by an instructor.
Liability Release
By signing the enrollment form, I agree to release and forever discharge, Creative Edge Dance Studio and its staff members from any liabilities growing out of or related to any activities in which I or my child participate in. I understand that this is a full and complete release of all injuries or damages which I or my children may sustain as a result of my/his/her participation in any activities, regardless of the specific cause thereof.
My child and I understand that all students are required to wear appropriate dance attire, depending on the class. Children who do not meet the following guidelines will be asked to watch class for safety reasons.
• Ballet: Leotard, tights, dance skirt or dance shorts. No t-shirts. Pink leather or canvas ballet shoes. Hair must be pulled back into a ponytail. For ballet D and above, hair must be in a bun. Males can wear t-shirts and dance pants or shorts with black ballet shoes.
• Jazz/Lyrical: Leotard, dance shorts or pants. Black leather jazz shoes. Hair must be pulled back and off the face.
• Tap: Leotard, dance skirt or shorts. Black tap shoes. Hair must be pulled back and off the face.
• Hip Hop: Loose or stretchy clothes. Clean and supportive sneakers. Hair must be pulled back and off the face. Level 1 will wear black jazz shoes, while level 2 will require black character shoes.
• Musical Theater: Loose or stretchy clothes. Dance attire preferred. Black leather jazz shoes. Hair must be pulled back and off the face.
Food and Drink
Food and drink are permitted in the lobby only. Water bottles may be stored in the hallway outside the studio. We ask that you kindly pick up after yourselves. There are several trash cans located throughout the lobby and studios. Take a moment before you leave to make sure your trash and your child’s trash is taken care of.
Only rubber soled dance shoes or non-marking tennis shoes may be on the dance floors. NO HIGH HEELS.
I, the undersigned parent or legal guardian of the above listed student, understand that by checking "I Agree" this document constitutes acceptance of the conditions of my child’s enrollment at Creative Edge Dance Studio.