By enrolling your child at The Dance Co. Sydney you are understanding the following Terms and Conditions of enrolment.
The Dance Co. Sydney requires all fees to be paid in the final week of term for the upcoming term.
Payments will be deducted on the last Friday of each term in anticipation of the student's place for the following term.
A $15.00 fee per family will apply should fees be paid after the due date or in the unfortunate circumstance of a failed auto-payment.
No refunds will be given if there is a breach of these terms and conditions or in any circumstances not required by law aside from our money-back guarantee.
The Dance Co. Sydney reserves the right to discontinue service to students who have outstanding fees.
Fees must be paid regardless of attendance.
Auto-Payments are compulsory to ensure your place is held in the class for the following term.Â
In the unlikely event that a parent fails to cancel classes prior to the billing date, you will be entitled to a credit for classes that can be used at any stage.
For students commencing mid-term, fees will be charged pro rata.Â
If a student is absent from a lesson they are able to attend a makeup class at any stage during the term in a class of the correct age group.
In the event of a teacher's illness, every attempt will be made to find a cover teacher, however, if this is unsuccessful The Dance Co. Sydney reserves the right to cancel or reschedule those classes.
The Dance Co. Sydney requires parents to submit their cancelation prior to the auto-pay billing dates (the last Friday of each Term)
At the end of each term, students are automatically “rolled over†to the next term, an invoice is generated and auto-payments are scheduled
Cancellation of classes must be received in writing and a confirmation email of cessation of payments will be received.
Our Money Back Guarantee Policy is valid within seven days of attendance of your first classÂ
New families are entitled to a 100% refund in alignment within seven days of first-class attendance
In line with this policy and this must be communicated via email to info@thedancecosydney.com.au within seven days.
Only available for new students
Your child’s enrolment into our classes is voluntary and participation in the class and the activities of ballet and other styles, creative movement and dance involve risks of injury. Injuries are not limited to muscle strains, sprains, and falls and you are aware these are risks for your child participating in class.
All staff are qualified First Aid Certificate holders. Any injury incurred during class or at the venues will be attended to by a staff member.
Any injury/illness that may impact or restrict a student from participation must be reported to the Director of The Dance Co. Sydney prior to class.
It is recommended that all students, (unless contagious), come to classes to watch and learn so as to not miss the content of that lesson.
The venue must be kept in a clean and orderly fashion, all patrons must leave the venue as it was found.
Young students must be supervised at all times at our venue including whilst using the foyer or bathrooms.
Parents are not permitted to enter the studio unless invited. We ask parents to please wait outside the studio during classes.Â
Although all due care is taken with all of our students, we do not take responsibility for students whilst they are not in class. If your child has a gap between classes, it is ultimately the parent’s responsibility to supervise children if it is required.
Students are not to play outside or be unsupervised outside the venue at any time.Â
Siblings of The Dance Co. Sydney students, who are not enrolled in classes are not to be left in the venue without supervision.
The Dance Co. Sydney is a drug and alcohol-free zone. Anyone who is found to be under the influence or has these in their possession will be asked to leave or will be removed from the venue.
By enrolling in a lesson you are reserving the teacher’s time for that lesson. It is an expectation of The Dance Co. Sydney that you attend all lessons. Should private lessons need to be cancelled or rescheduled you must provide written notice within 24hrs or the full fee will apply.
Students must be ready to enter class on time with shoes on and hair in an appropriate style off the face.
All students are to be dressed appropriately in their uniformÂ
Students must provide written notice should they be attending any classes or programs at a third party or additional dance studio so any conflicts of interest can be avoided and planned for.
No responsibility is taken for any loss or damage to the personal property of students. Personal property is brought to class at the student’s own risk.
Strict no chewing gum policy on the premises of the studio
When arriving late students are to wait to enter until after the music has stopped playing or they have been invited inside the studio so as to avoid disrupting the class. Once entering students must curtsey or bow to their teacher before joining into the lesson.
Students are not permitted to leave the venue without collection from a parent/carer.
All students are required to wear their correct Dance Co. uniform to all classes.Â
Students are not to wear dangly earrings, watches, fit bits/apple watches, bracelets, necklaces, or rings. Both due to safety and distraction.
Students not presenting in their uniform regularly will not be able to participate in classes
 Students are asked to not leave the venue in just their dance clothing but to also wear their dance tracksuit or relevant clothing on top of their dancewear.
You are confirming your child is in good health and may participate in dance activities at the academy. All medical condition(s) must also be identified and consent given in case of an emergency requiring medical treatment.
In case of an emergency requiring urgent medical attention, the parent hereby authorises our staff to seek medical attention or have the student transported to a medical or hospital facility. In such a case, The Dance Co. Sydney will make every effort to contact the Parents/Guardians (or the emergency contact) before any action is taken unless life-threatening.
All students must be picked up promptly at the end of their lesson. Failure to do so, in a timely manner will result in a late collection fee charged at the rate of the relevant teacher needing to wait behind.
The office should be notified immediately if a student is going to be absent for any period of time
Parents are not encouraged to watch classes, our studio offers annual performances that are run for this purpose.
By enrolling at The Dance Co. Sydney you are allowing the academy to take photos of your child that may be used for promotional materials.
The Dance Co. Sydney respects your right to privacy and should you wish to not have your child photographed please provide a written statement to the school prior to the commencement of the term.
Refusal of photography will impact the child’s ability to participate in performances.
It is imperative that our studio continues to maintain the highest standards of inclusivity and safety, particularly in matters relating to bullying.Â
To ensure that all dancers can learn in a nurturing environment without fear of bullying we have zero tolerance for bullying.Â
At the Dance Co. Sydney, we have zero tolerance for bullying and reserve the right to refuse access to students and/or parents who are engaging in bullying behaviour.
We recognise that bullying can occur not only between students but, also between parents and guardians or towards our staff.Â
Please note that it is highly important that bullying is reported to our office in order for it to be investigated and the relevant next steps to be taken.
To report bullying we ask for an email of the incident to be sent to info@thedancecosydney.com.au
All students enrolled in classes are invited to participate in our mid-year Presentation Day or our End of Year Concert.
Any student wishing to partake in the end-of-year concert must attend all rehearsals.
Students not wishing to perform in the concert must provide written notice to the academy by August each year.
Ballet exams are an integral part of the experience at our studio. Students not wishing to participate in ballet exams must provide written notice prior to the start of the calendar year.
In addition, students must attend all relevant classes and rehearsals prior to the examination in order to fulfill the studio requirements for their participation.