Student’s Name _____________________
Please initial all items on lines provided and sign/date at the bottom of the page.
____ I understand that tuition is due the first of each month. There is a $15.00 late fee for payments made after the 8th. Please be sure any payments put in the drop slot have the name of the student on envelope and/or check. Failure to pay tuition is grounds for removal from studio.
____ There is a $25.00 fee for returned checks.
____ There is an annual registration fee of $35.00 (per student) due at enrollment.
____ Refunds: There are no refunds for registration fees, recital fees or costume fees. If student wishes to drop a class, the studio must be informed by parent/guardian about the drop before a new month begins. If student drops a class during the month, there will be no refund.
____ I will pay full tuition each month, no matter how many actual class days there are in any given month. Some months may be shorter due to holidays or school closings. Any lessons missed due to weather, student or teacher absences may be made up by attending another class of the same style and level within two weeks of missed class. No credit will be given for a missed class.
____ I give permission to A Step Above School of Dance LLC or its assigns to use dancer’s image or photograph for advertising, marketing and promotions.
____ I understand and realize the possible risks of physical injury involved in dance and recognize that students are responsible for all their own actions. Medical treatment may be administered with all costs incurred being the student or parent’s responsibility. I am willing to assume full responsibility for these risks and I will not hold A Step Above School of Dance LLC or its staff (permanent or guest) responsible for any accidents, illnesses or injuries while participating in any dance activities on the studio property or other locations where student may be performing or taking class.
____ There will be a one-time non-refundable $40.00 recital fee (per student) due by December 1st. I understand that there is a costume fee of $________ also due by December 1st. After December 1st, I understand that a costume will be ordered for student and no refund will be given. I also understand that if student’s tuition or other fees are not up to date, a costume will not be ordered. I will be paying costume fee as indicated below. (Circle one)
A. Pay entire balance at enrollment.
B. Divide into 5 payments to be added to my regular tuition payments in August, September, October, November and December. My monthly total during this time will be $___________.
C. Pay the entire costume and recital fee the first of December.
____ I understand that all performing group costume fees are due by October 15th. I further understand that if I do not make any costume payments on or before this deadline that no costumes will be ordered and this will prevent dancer from participating in any future competitions or performances.
____ I will inform A Step Above Dance of any address, phone and/or e-mail changes so they may inform me of studio activities, any emergencies, etc.
____ I understand the importance and will make sure that student follows a professional dance dress code and that proper attire and shoes are worn to every class. Hair must be pulled back and be neatly secured off face and neck. No chewing gum, candy, food or drink (except bottled water) is allowed in the dance room. Failure to comply with any of these rules can result in removal from class for the day. The staff must be able to observe proper body placement and this will alleviate possible injury. (A Step Above Dance is serious about teaching dance and expects its students to be serious about learning dance.)
Please let us know about any allegies or health issues we should know about: _____________________________________________________________________
Has the student ever taken dance anywhere else? Where and what was studied?:_____________________________________________________________________________________
I have read and understand the above information. __________________________________ ______________ Signature Date