As a parent I agree to the Clubs Terms and Conditions mentioned within and I will not hold Allegro, its owners or the coaches or premises responsible for any possible injury or loss that may be incurred.
ï‚· PARENTS: For all classes No parents allowed while class is being conducted. Having parents sit in and observe creates a power struggle, which makes it extremely difficult for the coaches to facilitate their class successfully. It also may cause a distraction with some students and may cause some children not to participate.
This is stressful for both the student and the instructor! Please understand that we want the child’s attention to be on the coach and the material that is being taught in class.
ï‚· SICKNESS: If your child is sick please do not bring them to class. Gymnasts may make up any missed classes due to sickness by attending any other class offered in accordance to their level.
ï‚· DRINKS and FOOD: There is to be no gum, candy or fizzy drinks. WATER ONLY!!! It is extremely difficult to teach a child anything while on a sugar high. The High Performance and level 4 and up gymnast training for longer periods please make sure they have healthy snacks. (eg. fruit, raw veggies, nuts, biltong.)
ï‚· POSTED MATERIAL: Please read and abide by any written or posted material handed out through the year. Parents are responsible for reading and following the material that is sent home and posted.
ï‚· OBSERVING CLASS: Parents and visitors are invited to come in and observe the entire class the last week of each term.
ï‚· REGISTRATION: Students must re-register each year.
ï‚· Gymnastics is a physical activity with risk of injury and the coaches will not be held responsible for injury occurring while attempting gym activity.
Some basic rules to keep in mind:
No street shoes OR HIGH HEELS on the gymnastics carpets! Gymnastics socks, normal socks, or bare feet only!
ï‚· There should be no running around the gym before or after class! gymnasts should come in and sit with the instructor and other gymnasts in sharing circle as they come.
ï‚· Please be on time when dropping off and picking up your child. The instructors are not responsible for students before or after their class.
ï‚· All students are asked to use the bathroom before class!
ï‚· Within the younger stage of development, the students are just beginning to understand how their body moves through space, and right now, all the children are working on basic coordination skills (fine and gross) and are being introduced to movement through space.
ï‚· Rhythmic gymnastics takes repetition in watching others and a LOT of doing. It is not something that can be forced or accomplished with a few classes. It takes years of practice, patience, time, consistency, and appreciation. Remember, Fun and the appreciation of movement have to always come first or the rest is never understood or accomplished.
We look forward to working with everyone!
Thank you, Allegro Coaches.ïŠ
I agree to pay all fees in full and on time: