* Updated COVID 19 policies will be distributed to enrolled students depending on the current level/system. These policies must be followed by all students and family members.
* Enrolment in a Shore Dance class is for a term. It is assumed that you will be continuing on to the next term unless you let studio know via email. You will be charged automatically for the next term if no communication has been made. Each new year you have to re-enrol to sign up for that year’s classes.
* By enrolling at Shore Dance, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions
* Payments can be made by either internet bank transfer to 38-9008-0704687-00 with the reference of child’s name, class and what the payment is for or via the online portal. There is a 3% credit card processing fee included if payment is made online via the portal.
* No refunds are given for missed classes due to family holidays, overseas trips, birthdays etc.
* Refunds will only be given due to serious illness or injury with medical certificate and bereavements.
* Fees are due by the second week of the term, to give new students the chance to trial the class in the first week of the term before making payment
* No refunds will be given if the student decides to withdraw from the class after the second week
* Changing classes at any time will not incur any charges unless there is a discrepancy in the term fees
* If you have not paid your fees or attended class by week 3 of the term your enrolment will be cancelled.
* All statutory holidays are observed and fees have been calculated over the year.
* Make up classes will be offered when a teacher is absent or unwell or a replacement teacher is unavailable.
* Your enrolment will not be processed if you have an outstanding balance on your account from a previous year or term.
* Uniform is compulsory for all classes and must be worn by the third class students attend. Uniform is not required for adult classes or private lessons.
* Hair is to be neatly groomed and secured off the face. Speak to your teacher for class specifics.
* Any student inappropriately dressed or groomed may not be able to participate in class activities due to health and safety regulations.
* Shore Dance staff may photograph or video students as learning tools in the dance studio. These videos may be shared with other students or parents from the same class to help with practicing at home. From time to time photographs may also be used for promotional material for the dance studio including, but not limited to, social media outlets (Facebook, Instagram), posters and fliers.
* If you do not want your photo or your child photo to be used for promotional materials, please contact us at time of enrolment.
* Public photography or videoing of students in class and at concerts is not permitted. This is for the safety & well being of each individual student and to comply with the Privacy Act 1993 regulations.
* Taking part in the end of year show is not compulsory although is highly recommended. A permission slip will be issued before show preparation begins to confirm commitment to the show.
* A costume hire fee will be invoiced to students in term 4 which helps to cover sewing, purchasing of costumes and fabrics, laundering, storage and handling of costumes.
* You do not get to keep your show costume.
* Attendance at show rehearsals is compulsory.
* More information about the end of year shows will be available at the end of term 3.
* The enrolment form collects personal information about students. Under the Privacy Act 1993 you are entitled to have access to, and request correction of, this information at any time. It is held digitally on the Shore Dance database.
* Shore Dance is not liable for any personal injury sustained or any loss or damage of personal property whilst on the premises, during class time or out the front by the road. Also, whilst undergoing any activities in conjunction with the studio but off premises including but not limited to; end of year shows, performances within the community and competitions.
* Shore Dance aims to provide a safe learning environment to reduce the risk of injury. It should be recognised by all students, parents/guardians that dance by its very nature carries a risk of injury or accident.
* Shore Dance provides qualified and/or experienced dance teachers, who actively promote safe dance practice. This being the case it should be realised that injuries do occur from time to time and students must accept this element of risk.
* It is the student’s parents/guardians responsibility to notify their teacher in the event of a prior injury, medical condition or treatment that may be of concern or which may prevent full class participation before the class starts.
* A first aid kit is available to any student through their teacher. We do not provide anyone with Panadol or equivalent or administer students’ medication without prior consent from a parent/caregiver.
* Shore Dance students are under supervision whilst in class time only. While we endeavour to provide a safe environment, teachers and staff cannot be responsible for students outside their allocated class time.
* In the event of an emergency, where a parent/guardian is not present, all effort will be made to contact the parent/caregiver nominated on the registration form. If contact is unsuccessful, this agreement allows Shore Dance to take all necessary steps for the proper care and treatment of the student, including, but not limited to seeking professional medical help and taking the student to the hospital.