I HAVE READ, understand and agree to abide by the policies of The DANCE CENTER on Main. I am agreeing to be responsible for all payments due. I understand written notification is required prior to the month of withdrawal and tuition will be owed, including late fees, until written notice is received by the office. I hereby release, indemnify, and hold harmless, The DANCE CENTER on Main and any of its employees or representatives from any and all liability or claims that may arise. I also authorize The DANCE CENTER on Main to give permission for emergency medical treatment in the case of serious illness or injury. I also herby authorize the Dance Center on Main to publish photographs of my child.
I HAVE READ, understand and agree to abide by the policies of The DANCE CENTER on Main. I am agreeing to be responsible for all payments due, I understand written notification is required prior to the month of withdrawal and tuition will be owed, including late fees, until written notification is received by the office. I hereby release, indemnify, and hold harmless, The DANCE CENTER on Main and any of it's employees or representatives from any and all liability or claims that may arise. I also authorize the DANCE CENTER on Main to give permission for emergency medical treatment in case of serious illness or injury. I also hereby authorize The DANCE CENTER on Main to publish photographs of my child.