"You must be over 18 to register for an account."
Ignite Dance Arts - General Release for Ignite Dance Arts I, the undersigned, as Parent or Legal Guardian of (Name/s of student/s) ___________________ ____________________________________ hereby release Ignite Dance Arts (including instructors and assistants) from any and all injuries and causes of action which my child may obtain while training, performing, or during any event, competition/convention activity. I, the undersigned, agree that I am responsible for the above named child’s health and accident insurance, and any medical costs incurred due to injury. I also give my permission for the public display of any studio pictures my child may be in for the use of website, slide shows, brochures, etc. I have thoroughly read, understand, and agree to the Ignite Dance Arts General Release and Policy Page. Print Name ____________________________________________________________________ Signature______________________________________________ Date___________________