Masterpiece Dance strives to provide a positive, creative and safe environment for children.
Qualified teachers with Blue Cards will teach safe dance/acrobatics practice.
Teachers follow workplace health and safety procedures.
Teachers will regularly explain safety and behavioural expectations, which children are expected to follow. Behavioural issues and appropriate management strategies will be discussed with parents.
Teachers will manage any health issues appropriately, according to the ‘medical details’ section that you fill out in your Parent Portal.
In the event of an accident/injury, parents will be notified, first aid delivered by a first aid-qualified person, and an incident report will be completed.
Masterpiece Dance holds full public liability insurance with Dance Cover.
It is the Parents or Caregivers responsibility to watch children and supervise them outside any area of the dance studio; this includes waiting areas and outside of premises (eg. carpark and front footpath).
We often take photos and videos in class and at our events, which is sometimes shared on our social media or used in other marketing material (eg, on our website or in the newspaper). If you would like to opt-out of Media Consent, please complete the opt-out box on the Media Consent waiver.
I understand and agree that when participating in any dance/acrobatics classes there is an inherent risk and possibility of physical injury or death.
I hereby voluntarily agree to assume all risks and responsibility for any such injury or accident, which might occur to me or my child during any classes, rehearsals, performances, or activities.
I further hereby voluntarily agree to waive my rights and that of my heirs and assigns to hold Masterpiece Dance, its owners, agents, volunteers, assistants, employees, guest artists, and/or students, liable for such damage, loss, injury, or death.
I understand that I should be aware of my physical limitations and agree not to exceed them.
I hereby acknowledge I have read and understood the above.