LIABILITY: I am aware that dance training, and the athletic exercises associated with it, places unusual stress on the body and carries a risk of physical injury. By registering for classes, I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Edmonton School of Ballet Society, the Edmonton School of Ballet, its agents and employees, from and against all loss or expense by reason of the liability imposed by law upon the Edmonton School of Ballet Society and the Edmonton School of Ballet, its agents and employees, for damages or injury during training, dance classes or any related functions, including death, at any time resulting therefrom, sustained by any persons, or an account of damage to property, including loss of use thereof, arising out of or in consequence of this agreement. The parent/guardian and student agree to follow all policies and procedures and to follow the recommendations while in the facility. In attending classes, the signee agrees to hold harmless the Edmonton School of Ballet and its representatives from any and all legal claims arising from their decision to attend classes.
THIRD PARTY FEES: All fees, including competition, festival and exams, that are collected by the Edmonton School of Ballet (ESB) on behalf of participants, and remitted to a third party are collected by ESB, acting in its capacity as agent. The terms and conditions set by third party apply to the extent that they relate to the collection, use and refund of fees. In the case of a refund from a third party for any reason, ESB will, in its capacity as agent, forward the fees received back to the individuals they were collected from and remitted on behalf of. ESB shall determine, in its sole discretion, the method by which any fees shall be disbursed back to the individuals. ESB shall have no liability to participants to refund fees back to participants after the fees have been collected & remitted to third parties in accordance with the stated purpose for collection of the fees.
MEDICAL RELEASE: In the event that I cannot be reached, I hereby give permission to the administration, staff or chaperones of the Edmonton School of Ballet Society/Edmonton School of Ballet to authorize any emergency medical care that may be required by the above noted student during participation in classes, performance, or any other Edmonton School of Ballet Society/Edmonton School of Ballet functions. Written permission is required for the administration to provide any prescription medications including an epinephrine pen. Verbal or written permission is required for the administration to provide any non-prescription medications ie: Tylenol, Advil, Benadryl etc.
WITHDRAWAL: Upon commencement of classes, students and/or their parents are responsible for all fees associated with a full year of training. The ESBS/Vimy Dance deposit is non-refundable. Withdrawals for non-medical reasons are not eligible for refunds, and parents or students remain liable for the full contract costs. Refund of unused tuition fees will be considered for students unable to continue in classes due to injury or prolonged illness which prevents participation. Such considerations will be given when a request is received in writing, accompanied by a doctor’s report recommending withdrawal from dance and stating the reasons for such. Refunds will only be considered from the date the letter/email is received. Please note that partial months will not be refunded.
SUMMER SCHOOL: If circumstances allow, all students are encouraged to attend ESB’s two week summer dance intensive program in order to maintain the standard they have achieved the previous year and to avoid possible injury upon return to class. Vimy Dance students are required to attend either a) The ESB the two-week Summer Dance Intensive or b) another recognized summer program of a minimum of 2 weeks in length.
ATTENDANCE/PERFORMANCE/EXAM REQUIREMENTS: In order for dancers to participate in performances, exams and competitions they must have consistent attendance and have attained the standard necessary to be successful. Students who do not attend due to illness will be prepared for events according to best practices and will participate if it is safe to do so at the discretion of the staff and Artistic Director.
PHOTOS/VIDEOS: Any photos or videos taken by the School for publicity purposes can be used at the discretion of the Artistic Director without prior consent. Please note that personal photography or videotaping during rehearsals/performances is strictly prohibited.
I have read, understood and agree to abide by the terms and conditions of this contract.