Payment Policies:
Registration fee and 1st month tuition is due at time of enrollment. Monthly tuition is due by the 1st of the month and may be paid by cash, check or credit card either online or in studio. Monthly tuition remains the same regardless of number of weeks in the month. If payment is not received by the 7th of the month, a late fee of $10 will be assessed on the 8th. There is a returned check fee of $35. Tuition is automatically prorated based on which week you're joining in month. To cancel enrollment, you MUST cancel in writing by sending an email to Any remaining tuition for the month will not be refunded. If not canceled in writing, you are responsible for all debits on the account until written notice is received. There will be no refunds or proration for absences, holidays, weather, emergency cancellations or withdraws from class. When able, cancellations due to weather will be rescheduled. Any missed classes can be made up by taking another class.
Release of Liability:
I understand that dance and all physical activities have an inherent risk of injury, including the possibility of severe injury or death. I agree to maintain health insurance all students being enrolled in dance. I hereby agree to waive, release, indemnify and hold harmless ADRENALINE DANCE OF YORK, LLC and its agents, landlords, owners, independent contractors and employees from any and all liability for claims, rights, causes of action, costs, medical expenses or judgments including claims for negligence, gross negligence, incidental or consequential damages, attorney’s fees and court costs, which may arise out of my child’s or child(ren)’s participation in any classes and/or workshops programs or activities conducted by ADRENALINE DANCE OF YORK, LLC.
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR OR BULLYING TOWARDS CHILDREN/ADULT BE TOLERATED. Such behavior will result in EXPULSION FROM THE REMAINDER OF THE SESSION. If I am contacted concerning my child’s aggressive behavior, I understand that I will be expected to pick up my child immediately and/or attend a meeting with the owners and teacher.
Photo Release:
I give permission for me or my child(ren)’s photograph or likeness to be used in promotional materials by ADRENALINE DANCE OF YORK, LLC.
By clicking the "I Agree" checkbox below, I/We agree that we have read and agree with the terms of this agreement.