The Dance Factory Waiver/Agreement 2024/2025
208 S. 8th St. Indianola, IA 50125 - North Location
1001 E. 2nd Ave. Indianola, IA 50125 - South Location
At The Dance Factory, our mission is to provide not only the best dance education but also a safe and comfortable place to be yourself! We work hard and we want to encourage your dancers to be the best they can be! Our purpose is to nurture dancers as they grow in strength, skill, humility and respect both in and outside of dance.
You must be over the age of 18 to register for an account. I, as a parent or guardian of a dancer at The Dance Factory, agree & acknowledge to all of the following:
Dance is a financial commitment, by signing up for classes you are responsible for paying for tuition, all costume fees (including proper dance shoes, tights, etc) and an annual recital fee per dancer. Monthly Tuition remains the same despite the number of classes per month. Tuition fees are due for the months of August thru May. August and May tuition will be grouped together as one month; a total of 9 months of tuition.
-ALL REGISTRATION FEES ARE NON REFUNDABLE. This includes camps and any recreational classes you are registering for.
-Payments are DUE on the 1st day of each month. This pays for classes held during that month. The only accepted forms of payments are cash and check paid in studio or debit/credit card through Dance Studio Pro. You may enroll in Auto-pay for TUITION ONLY. Auto-pay DOES NOT cover any other owed fees that occur; this includes i.e. costume, merchandise, recital, overdue etc. It is your responsibility to check your account monthly to monitor any costs or fees in addition to monthly tuition.
-There is NO refund for missed classes.
-Class times are subject to change based on number of enrollment.
-When more than one child in a family is enrolled, a discount will be applied to subsequent siblings registered under the same account. This applies to families who have enrolled students in 3 or more classes.
-- We offer a 5 percent discount on annual tuition and costume fees for recreation class(es) that are paid in full before August 31st. This only applies to accounts paid by cash or check. This does not include payment by credit card. (This is for tuition and costume fees only and does not include other fees.)
*Recreation classes August & May tuition are combined and are due at the time of enrollment to reserve your spot in the class. September-April tuition is paid monthly. August and May tuition will be grouped together as one month; a total of 9 months of tuition. :
*Preschool: $45.00
*Kindergarten - 12th Grade: $50.00
*Hip Hop: $45.00
*Acro: $45.00
*Pointe: $50.00
*Adults: $50.00
-A LATE CHARGE of $25 will be charged on the 11th day of the month if there is a balance on the account. This includes balance accrued due to costume fees, recital fee and any overdue fees.
-If an account has not been at a $0.00 balance for 2 consecutive months the late fee will change to $50 on the 11th of the month.
-Balances that exceed 90 days past due will result in suspension of all dancer’s registered classes.
-There will be a $35 service charge applied to your account on all returned checks
-Weather related closings typically follow the Indianola School District. Closings will be communicated through email and/OR posted on The Dance Factory Facebook page.
-You must check your email for important updates for your dancer. This is very important and is our major form of communication. These updates contain vital and pertinent information that you and your dancer will need for events. It is your responsibility to check emails and text for information for your dancer. If you are not receiving emails from The Dance Factory, please let us know immediately so we may correct any problems. Please make sure all contact information in Dance Studio Pro is correct and up to date, including other individuals/family members that will need to receive all important information. If you would like to add an email contact, you may do so through your Dance Studio Pro account or contact us at It is your responsibility to read communications via email and/or text.
-Studio newsletters will be communicated through the email provided on your Dance Studio Pro account. These newsletters will be a helpful tool to know upcoming dates, links, contact information, etc. Please refer to these often.
-All dance attire can be purchased at This website will store your child’s information and show you the items required for your child’s class(es).
-Be on the look out for nights for dancers and families to come into the studio to try on dance shoes and other required attire. You will be able to order through the studio and pick up your items locally.
-Dancers must be appropriately attired in dance wear, tights and proper shoes by October 1st. Dancers should have some type of dance bag to transport and help keep track of shoes. Be sure your child’s name is on all items brought into the studio. Excessive jewelry is not allowed and all hair should be pulled out of the dancer’s face.
*Preschool: Pink Ballets, Pink Tights, Leotard and a skirt is optional.
*Kindergarten - 2nd Grade: Pink Ballets and Caramel Colored Taps, Pink Tights, Leotard and a skirt is optional.
*3rd Grade - 6th Grade: Caramel Colored Jazz Shoes and Caramel Colored Taps, Dancewear should include leotard, unitard, shorts, leggings, tank tops, etc. Hair pulled up and away from the face. No baggy sweatshirts, sweatpants, etc.
*7th - 12th Grade and Adults: Caramel Colored Jazz Shoes, Dancewear should include leotard, unitard, shorts, leggings, tank tops, etc. Hair pulled up and away from the face. No baggy sweatshirts, sweatpants, etc.
*Hip-Hop: Dance Shoes/Tennis Shoes (Not worn outside of dance classes) Any dancewear is allowed as long as you can move in it. Hair should be pulled up and away from the face.
*Pre-Pointe: Pink Ballet Shoes, Pink Tights, Leotard, and a Skirt is optional. Hair should be pulled up and away from the face.
*Pointe: Pointe Shoes, Tights, Leotard, and a Skirt is optional. Hair should be pulled up and away from the face.
Recital 2025 Costume Payments are DUE October 1st, 2024. To ensure costumes can be ordered and arrive in a timely manner, this policy will be strictly enforced. Costume companies require costume orders to be prepaid. Dancers not paying for costumes will not have costumes ordered. It is best to order the whole class at one time to guarantee adequate arrival for our show.
** If your costume(s) are not paid for, your dancer will not receive their costume(s).
-ALL costume payments are non-refundable.
-Once a costume is in the possession of a dancer and leaves the studio, we are no longer responsible for any issues that arise. Any costume that leaves the studio and needs to be reordered for any reason, can be done for an additional charge.
-Dancers must be equipped with all costume pieces and accessories in correct condition in order to perform.
-If a dancer stops attending class(es), this does NOT mean you have dropped your class(es) and/or withdrawn from The Dance Factory. If you wish to withdraw, you must email us at and receive acknowledgement of your withdrawal.
-You must notify the office by email by the 15th of the month PRIOR to your withdrawl in order to not be charged for the following month. Example: If you are withdrawing your dancer on September 17th, you will be charged October tuition. ALL FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE. ALL COSTUME FEES are NON-REFUNDABLE after October 1st.
The Dance Factory has a competition team. Auditions are held in June prior to the start of the upcoming dance season. Information for the competition team auditions is communicated through email. If you would like any information regarding the team, you may contact the office through email at
Dancers are to wear appropriate shoes into class and bring their dance bags with them. The studio is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Dancers should visit the restroom prior to class. Street shoes are not allowed on the dance floors. GUM AND CELL PHONES are not allowed in the studio. ONLY water is allowed in the studio.
Listen and be respectful to your instructor and those around you, this includes not yelling across the room or whispering to your neighbor. Pay attention at all times, especially when waiting for your turn. Always try your best.
Communicating negatively about anyone in or outside our studio will not be tolerated. Dancers are expected to show courtesy and respect to all instructors and other students. Any student who exhibits repeated negative or disrespectful behavior will be asked to leave the studio. We expect that our dancers are always respectful, supportive, encouraging and are positive in spirit, attitude and behavior.
The following behaviors or actions by a dancer are prohibited on The Dance Factory property. ◠Possessing or using any tobacco product. ◠Possessing, using, selling, manufacturing, distributing, or being under the influence of any alcoholic beverage. ◠Possessing, using, selling, manufacturing, distributing, or being under the influence of any controlled substance, or a “look-alike†substance unless such substance was prescribed for that student by a valid prescription or order of a licensed medical practitioner while acting in the course of his or her duties. ◠Possessing, using, selling, manufacturing, or distributing any drug paraphernalia or apparatus used to allow the person using it to be involved with a controlled substance. ◠Committing an act that would be a violation of the law other than minor traffic violations. This would involve such acts as assault, breaking and entering, theft and shoplifting, vandalism, fraud, possession of a dangerous weapon or object, misusing social media, etc. ◠If observed by a source deemed reliable by The Dance Factory staff, after an investigation, or student admitting to violating these rules; a determination that a dancer has violated any of these behaviors or actions will result in dismissal from the studio.
Any dancer may be dismissed from The Dance Factory at any time due to non-payment, unsatisfactory conduct or attitude by the dancer and/or parent(s) at the sole discretion of the Owner/Director. No refunds will be given.
Dancers are required to be at each performance and finale. We will have two full recitals, two mini recitals, one competition solo recital, as well as, one full dress rehearsal. Some classes may also have an additional rehearsal. Each dancer is required to pay an annual recital fee. The recital fee is $65 and is due by March 1st in order to cover costs that help us put on a recital such as, programs, stage & venue rental.
As of 2024-25 season, we are excited to announce families will no longer be limited to 3 tickets per dancer! Every person in attendance must enter through the lobby doors of the auditorium and must present a ticket.
Dancers must remain in their designated dressing areas with the exception of our dress rehearsal night. Dancers are not allowed to sit in the audience during recitals. Audience members should refrain from entering and exiting the auditorium unless it is an emergency. You should only enter or exit the auditorium between routines.
ABSOLUTELY NO FOOD, DRINK, OR GUM is allowed in the auditorium. Also, please be sure if you bring flowers to give to your dancer they do not contain excess glitter.
In the event that your balance is referred to an attorney for collection, you agree to pay reasonable attorney’s fees. You agree to all statements in this registration agreement by your child’s participation in class.
Regular class attendance is required, as absences will not only affect the dancer, but the class as a whole. When a student is going to be absent, please email to notify the instructor as soon as possible. Missing an excess amount of class time around recital may result in the need for extra practice materials decided on by the instructor. Please note the following instances in which absences are excused; death in the family, scheduled school programs or performances required for credit, wedding or religious dedication for you or a member of your family, or if you are seriously ill or contagious.
Always arrive on time. We encourage students to arrive 5-10 minutes before class starts so they can get shoes on, hair up, and use the restroom to mentally prepare for class. If you cannot avoid being late, please enter the studio quietly to avoid distracting others. Parents are welcome to stay in our lobby while children are attending classes. If your other children need to accompany you, please keep them quiet and closely supervised. If classes are being disrupted by actions in the lobby, the lobby will no longer be available for families to stay while your dancer is in class. For the safety of everyone in our studio, no acrobatics of any kind in the lobby. Please keep the waiting room clean. Please do not rearrange the furniture in the lobby.
Cabin Coffee has been kind enough to allow us the use of their parking lot. Please be courteous of their rules and only use their parking lot when they are not open. Please assist your children crossing the street.
Please be sure your dancer has supervision/transportation between studio locations. We DO NOT want dancers crossing the highway unattended.
I understand and agree that in participating in any dance class, workshop, rehearsal or performance, there is an inherent risk of physical injury. I voluntarily agree, therefore, to assume all risks and responsibility for any such injury or accident, which might occur to me or my child during any of The Dance Factory classes, rehearsals, performances or activities. I also exempt, release and indemnify The Dance Factory, its owners, agents, volunteers, assistants, contractors, employees, guest artists, faculty members, and/or students from any and all liability claims, demands, or causes of action whatsoever from any damage, loss, injury to me, my children or property which may arise out of or in connection with participation in any classes or activities conducted by The Dance Factory. I further hereby voluntarily agree to waive my rights and that of my heirs and assigns to hold The Dance Factory, its owners, agents, volunteers, assistants, contractors, employees, guest artists, faculty members, and/or students liable for such damage, loss or injury. I understand that my child dancer/s and I should be aware of our physical limitations and agree not to exceed them. If I am signing this waiver for my child/ren, I certify that I am the parent or legal guardian and have the right to waive these rights.
Permission is granted to The Dance Factory to use photographs of students for publicity purposes.
I have read, understood and agree to be bound by the above statement.
As a member of The Dance Factory, as a parent of the dancer(s), we agree to abide by The Dance Factory Registration Agreement including all Rules, Requirements, Tuition/Fees, Attendance and Dismissal Policies as stated in this agreement. Upon Submission of my registration, I am in agreement with all above terms and conditions.
Online Registrants agree to all of the above by accepting this waiver for 2024/2025 and submission of your chosen classes for registration.
* The Dance Factory staff and coaches reserve the right to full creative control of all routines, costumes, etc. The Dance Factory reserves the right to make changes depending on circumstances. Additional dates may be added and will be updated in our parent portal located calendar.
Your parent portal contains a wealth of information for you and your dancer (Important Event Dates, Fees Due etc.- you can manage your account from the portal.
We are here to help you - Please don't hesitate with your questions.