I understand that Destination Arts sends all studio information, fee reminders, due dates, closings, etc. through email and I agree to regularly check the email address submitted at registration to stay in the know on information pertaining to my student.
I/We, the above signed parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the student(s) named on this registration form, understand that dance requires physical exertion. It is my/our responsibility to consult with a physician before his/her participation in dance class, productions, programs or workshops, on premises or off. I/We agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries or damages that might occur as a result of participating in activities sponsored by Bullseye Entertainment, Inc. dba Destination Arts. I agree not to hold Destination Arts, any faculty, employee or volunteer liable for injuries sustained or illnesses contracted while a student of Destination Arts. I have read and accept the policies and waivers, and I understand that I am responsible for timely payment of tuition and agree to pay all costs for collection of any unpaid tuition and fees and any finance charges assessed by Destination Arts. Destination Arts may take photo/videos of students for the purpose of promoting the center, documenting progress and performances. I have agreed to the terms of this document of my own free will. By registering on our website, you are agreeing that you have read and agree to Destination Arts' policies & procedures.