** NOTE : You will not be able to register for classes until you first sign up for Auto-Pay.
** You can view classes before signing up for Auto-Pay by clicking the Classes menu at the top of this page.
Registration is not considered complete until:
1) The registration form is complete.
2) The waiver form is agreed to and submitted.
- I hereby assume all the risks arising out of, incidental to, or in any way connected with my child’s participation in dancing lessons provided by Citrus Dance Inc. and its teachers or agents, including, but not limited to, any risks which are not foreseeable.
- I hereby release Citrus Dance Inc. and all its officers, directors, employees, including teachers and supervisors from all liability and all claims arising out of, incidental to, or in any way connected with me or my child’s participation in any lessons, competitions and/or performances, incidents/accidents occuring on studio premises (interior & exterior).
- I (we) consent to the participation of the student named below in these lessons. I (we) make the acknowledgements, assume the risks and responsibilities, and release the above-named school and teachers in accordance with this release, acknowledgement and assumption of risk for and on behalf of myself and the student named below.
- I agree and understand that ALL payments once processed are NON-REFUNDABLE. I hereby acknowledge the terms and conditions and the rules and regulations stated in this form and will adhere to them.
- I also acknowledge and agree to the administration fees, NSF fees and late fees stated above, when applicable.