Term fees will be due in full the day before a term starts. I understand that there are two options for payments. Option 1 - I will pay in full before the start of term Option 2 - I will split my term fee into 8 weekly payments that I will pay on the Wednesday of Weeks 1 - 8 either through the DSP parent portal, or AP to the Extreme Dance bank account (ASB 12-3223-0028709-00) or by eftpos at the Studio office. I will notify Extreme Dance by email that this is how I will be paying the term fees. If I default on a weekly payment then I agree that I will pay the balance of that terms fees immediately along with a $40 late fee. I understand that if I fail to do this my child will be unable to attend any classes until I have payed the balance of term fees. I agree that I will ensure all Costume fees are paid for in full two weeks before the 2023 Concert in order for my dancer to be able to perform in the Concert. I agree to supply valid Credit card details if required to bring my account back to a zero balance. Failure to do so will result in my dancer not being offered a place for the following term.
I acknowledge that participation in dance is potentially dangerous and the is an inherent risk of injury involved. In allowing my child to participate in Extreme Dance activities, I hereby assume all the risks associated with the performing arts. I understand the importance of myself and my child following the instructions and rules set by their instructor/s, and I agree to release Extreme Dance and it’s employees of any and all liability which may arise as a result of my child’s participation in activities at Extreme Dance
By registering my child in classes at Extreme Dance, I accept responsibility for payment of the tuition fees for all classes in which my child is registered. I accept that a late payment fee of $40 will be added to any unpaid term fees 30 days after the due date, unless a payment arrangement has been made prior to this with Extreme Dance and is being honoured. I accept that if after another 30 days from the late payment fee being added, I will supply up to date credit card details so the full outstanding amount can be charged to my credit card, failure to do this will result in my child being removed from class until the outstanding balance has been paid in full.
I give permission for Extreme Dance to use video footage and / or photographs of my child. This usage may include (but is not exclusive to) displaying publicly, distributing, or publishing, photographs, and/or video of my child for use in materials that include, but may not be limited to: - printed materials (eg - brochures and newsletters) - online and offline advertising and promotion - videos and digital images such for use on Social Media. I acknowledge that I am giving unrestricted permission for my child’s image to be used in print, video, and digital media. I agree that these images may be used by Extreme Dance for a variety of purposes and that these images may be used without further notification. I do understand that any identifying information including surname and location will not be used in conjunction with any video or digital images.
When you register with Extreme Dance,the information we may collect from you includes your name, address, telephone numbers, email addresses, medical information and perhaps credit card or bank details. It may also include details of the products and services we provide to you as well as the status of your enrollment. We only collect information directly from our students or their parent/caregivers primarily for the purpose of providing services and products to you and to administer and manage invoicing and debt collection. Under the privacy act 1993, you are entitled to have access to, and request correction of this information. It is stored securely in electronic or paper form at Extreme Dance's premises: 5 Paremata Crescent, Paremata, Porirua 5024.