CONDITIONS OF ENROLLMENT A parent or guardian must sign the enrolment form on behalf of applicants under 18 years of age. Students who are accepted for enrolment must take full responsibility for their own property and safety.
QNB will provide a safe and healthy learning environment and students are required to respect all equipment provided as learning resources, personal hygiene and general safety.
Absences- Students are required to attend all classes and any absences must be communicated via text or email to the Directors or Admin by the parent (for students under 18 years) before classes commence
Lateness- Students are expected to arrive at least 15 minutes ahead of class and be prepared, (fully dressed) warmed up, before the commencement of classes. If there is a delay, communication with the school admin is required.
Premises- Students are to sign in with QNB admin on arrival. If students are require to leave the QNB Premises to get lunch/afternoon tea/dinner, written consent must be given for any student under the age of 18- PLEASE NOTE- even with written consent, students that mistreat this privilege (example- do not return on time), the Directors have the right to stop the students leaving the premises.
Student Drop off- The students warm up area is a student only zone (with the exclusion of Little Dancers and Pre-Junior Program on Saturdays). Parents are welcome to drop there Little Dancer off into the student room and wait in the parent pick up room.
Parents pick up room- The parents pick up room is located at the front of the building for parents to wait. No parents are to sit or wait in the students warm up area or studios. We encourage a drop and go system for students that are attending muiltple classes
Etiquette- Students must be punctual and bring with them all the tools, materials and equipment required for each class. Poor behaviour or etiquette in class, on the premises, when wearing the QNBallet tracksuit or uniform and when representing the school outside of the studio, will result in exclusion from classes. No refund will apply to students excluded for behavioural reasons. No parents or friends will be allowed in the studio, view classes or rehearsals except on open weeks or viewing days. Students are expected to openly communicate with the Artistic and Principal Directors if there is a concern or problem. It is a expectation of all students to respect and clean up after themselves while at the studios.
Uniform- students that do not abide strictly to the uniform policy and regulations will be immediately excluded from class until in their appropriate attire, this includes- dancewear, hair and make-up. The Qld National Ballet Tracksuit/uniform must be worn at all Competitions, Championships, Scholarships and Auditions. Students must arrive and leave the QNB premises in appropriate uniform all year round.
Tuition Fees- Fees are invoiced each term. Late fees do apply if invoice is not paid by the due date. Students will not be able to participate in the course if fees are not paid. The full term fee must be paid if the term is not completed.
-All prices include GST.
-Additional fees will apply for those students sitting examinations, mock exams, recitals and for uniforms.
-Fees are to be paid within 2 weeks of invoicing and are not refundable
-Term Fees are set regardless of shorter/longer terms or Public holidays.
- Discounts (academy only) only apply to Qld National Ballet School term prices and do not include private lessons.
Choreography- All choreography remains property of Queensland National Ballet and Martyn Fleming, choreography is not permitted to be performed outside of Queensland National Ballet without authorization and direction from the Artistic Director.
Performing- No students are permitted to dance/train/audition or perform outside of QNB without consent from the Artistic Director or Principal Director. Students are expected to strictly comply with all rules and responsibilities assigned to them.
I hereby permit Queensland National Ballet to use photographs (and other media forms) which may contain my image, for advertising purposes. I also acknowledge that at all times whilst attending Queensland National Ballet School Classes at the Queensland National Ballet School studios, both my property and my person shall be at my own risk and I shall not hold Queensland National Ballet School liable for any loss of life, personal injury suffered, loss or damage sustained to property or person, however such loss, damage or injury may arise or be caused, including negligence on behalf of Queensland National Ballet School, its instructors, servants or agents.