1. I understand that all full-year programs will perform in the Winter Showcase and Year-End Recital and that a costume cost is associated with each class.
2. I understand that not all students will be ready to take an exam, or participate in competition. If my child is seen as a successful candidate for these programs I will be contacted by the studio.
3. I understand that The Alberta Dance & Drama Academy wants to foster a positive experience in the classroom. This includes, but is not limited to appropriate class placement. The Alberta Dance & Drama Academy will always reach out should a more suitable class placement need to be explored.
4. I understand that the Alberta Dance & Drama Academy has a dress code and that it plays an important role in the discipline of the arts.
5. I understand that all those involved with the Alberta Dance & Drama Academy will conduct themselves in a professional and positive manner at all times. Should I be unsure about anything or have questions, I will ask administration. The Alberta Dance & Drama Academy takes feedback and questions as a learning opportunity.
6. I understand how important attendance is each week. Absences do not only affect my child's development and growth, but also the the entire class. All Company students are expected to be in attendance at Company Assessments, Competition Showcase and Competitions. All students are expected to be at Dress Rehearsal and Year-End Recital.
7. The Alberta Dance & Drama Academy captures photographs and videos of our students, programs & activities and uses them in advertisements and promotions, and the website. Should you not want to have your child's image used, please inform our administrative team.
1. I understand that the time of registration I am charged $55 registration fee, first month of tuition, and a $50 costume deposit or $100 performance fee. These fees are non-refundable. Students will not be considered registered until all payments and arrangements have been made.
2. I understand that I will be charged on the 1st of every month from October to June on the method of payment I provide be it a credit card, or banking information.
3. I understand that tuition is a fixed rate and therefore individual class absences do not equal a reduction in expenses.
4. All exam fees, Competition fees, Competition Showcase and Recital Tickets are NON-REFUNDABLE.
5. I understand that a $20.00 administration fee will be applied to all non-payments, including a declined credit card.
1. I understand that one months notice must be given in WRITING prior to the withdrawal from a class.
2. I understand that after February 1st no refunds will be given; therefore, it is recommended that your dancer completes the year. Students may transfer to another class as long as space permits.
3. I understand that any classes taken in a sessional format will not be refunded after the start of the session.