I understand and acknowledge that dance & yoga instruction and performances offered by Balance Dance LLC involves many RISKS, DANGERS and HAZARDS. I also understand and acknowledge that I, or the above-named student(s), may encounter risks, dangers and hazards at any time or place during the course of the dance/yoga/fitness/meditation instruction, classes and performances offered by Balance Dance LLC, and that serious INJURY may result. I FREELY ASSUME ANY AND ALL RISKS OF INJURY INVOLVED IN CONNECTION WITH DANCE INSTRUCTIONS, CLASSES AND PERFORMANCES OFFERED BY BALANCE DANCE STUDIO.
I certify that I am physically fit, have sufficiently prepared or trained for participation in the activity or event, and have not been
advised to not participate by a qualified medical professional. I certify that there are no health-related reasons or problems which
preclude my participation in this activity or event.
I hereby unconditionally RELEASE FROM ALL LIABILITY AND AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS, Balance Dance LLC, its owners, representatives, agents, contractors, officers, directors and employees (collectively “Balance Dance LLCâ€) of and from any claims for damage, injury to myself, the above named student(s), or to any person or property, in any way connected with my participation or the participation of the above named student(s) in Balance Dance LLC instruction, classes, workshops or programs. I agree to WAIVE ALL CLAIMS that I or the above named student(s) may now have or which may arise against Balance Dance LLC as a result of such instruction, classes or programs.
I have carefully read and I understand this agreement and all of its terms. I understand that this is a RELEASE OF LIABILITY which will legally PREVENT me or any other person from recovering in any lawsuit, or in connection with any legal claim, for damages in the event of any injury to me or the injury to, the above-named student(s). I nevertheless enter into this agreement freely and voluntarily and agree that it is binding upon heirs, my assigns, legal representatives and me.
If I am signing this document on behalf of a minor child, I represent that I have legal authority to make all of the waivers and releases contained herein on behalf of such child and I hereby agree to INDEMNIFY and HOLD BALANCE DANCE LLC HARMLESS FROM ALL LIABILITY INCURRED AS A RESULT OF ANY LACK OF AUTHORITY ON MY PART TO MAKE SUCH WAIVERS AND RELEASES.