CREDIT/REFUNDS: By enrolling in this program, you acknowledge and accept that no credits or refunds will be issued in the event that in person programs have to be moved online. LIABILITY RELEASE: I/we realize that participation in VPS Programs could result in possible personal injury. Despite precautions being taken by the instructor and Vancouver Performing Stars, accidents and injuries may occur. By signing this release form, I/we (the dancer and parent/guardian) assume all risks related to the use of any and all spaces used by Vancouver Performing Stars. MEDIA RELEASE: Digital media may be taken for media or promotional purposes during VPS programs. As a legal guardian or parent of the child indicated above, I grant The City of Vancouver, Katy Schroeder or her agents the authority to record, photograph or videotape during class time. I am aware that my son and/or daughter may appear in this media. These photo, video or audio tracks will be used for instructional, promotional and educational purposes only. Names and other information regarding the identification of the class participants will not be released. I understand that all digital media attained will not be reproduced in whole or part for any purposes other than stated above. RETURN POLICY: Class refunds must be processed before the second class of the term to make room for wait list students and only for reasonable cause.
CREDIT/REFUNDS: By enrolling in this program, you acknowledge and accept that no credits or refunds will be issued in the event that programs have to be moved online and a pro-rated refund may only be received if requested prior to the 2nd class of the term. LIABILITY RELEASE: I/we realize that participation in VPS Programs could result in possible personal injury. Despite precautions being taken by the instructor and Vancouver Performing Stars, accidents and injuries may occur. By signing this release form, I/we (the dancer and parent/guardian) assume all risks related to the use of any and all spaces used by Vancouver Performing Stars. MEDIA RELEASE: Digital media may be taken for media or promotional purposes during VPS programs. As a legal guardian or parent of the child indicated above, I grant The City of Vancouver and VPS Vancouver Performing Stars Ltd. the authority to record, photograph or videotape during class time. I am aware that my son and/or daughter may appear in this media. These photo, video or audio tracks will be used for instructional, promotional and educational purposes only. Names and other information regarding the identification of the class participants will not be released. I understand that all digital media attained will not be reproduced in whole or part for any purposes other than stated above.