Savannah Ballet School of Dance 2023-2024 School Policies
Please Read Thoroughly
Release from Liability
I do hereby release and hold harmless Savannah Ballet School of Dance (SBSD) and its staff from any liability occurring on or around studio premises, or at any function held at other locations in connection with the dance classes in which the student(s) is enrolled.
I declare that the student(s) is in good health and can participate in dance education classes. Participation includes possible exposure to and illness from infectious diseases including but not limited to MRSA, influenza, and COVID-19. While particular rules and personal discipline may reduce this risk, the risk of serious illness does exist.
Given the nature of dance classes, and with the knowledge that injuries sometimes occur, I have taken the necessary steps to obtain accident, health or hospitalization insurance which would cover any sustained injury.
In case of illness, injury or other problems- please contact the office immediately. ANY extended illness or injury requires a doctor’s note. All dancers must be able to take a FULL class AND present a doctor’s release note in order to participate in rehearsal or performances (for safety reasons).
The final decision as to whether a dancer will be able to perform will be made by the Artistic Director.
In the event of an injury or emergency when I cannot be contacted, I give my permission for you to obtain medical services.
It is also understood that dance instruction involves kinetic corrections that may include appropriate physical touching of students as part of regular class work and rehearsal. I hereby execute and deliver this Release to induce the Savannah Ballet School of Dance to permit me to participate in its programs.
Photo/Video Consent
I hereby give permission for images of my child, captured during SBSD classes, rehearsals, special events, and performances through video, photo, and digital camera, to be used solely for the purposes of SBSD promotional material and publications, and waive any rights of compensation or ownership thereto. SBSD promotional material is inclusive of but not limited to SBSD marketing materials, brochures, information packets, videos, website photos, dance related newspaper and magazine articles, all social media including but not limited to: Facebook, and Instagram pages.
Sick Policy
SBSD's sick policy is the same as the public schools: a student should be fever-free or stomach bug free for 24 hours before attending class. There are no consequences for missing class due to illness. If your child will be absent from class, please call or email the office. An attempt should be made for your child to make up for missed classes. The teacher will recommend appropriate make-up classes.
I understand that I am responsible for the entire tuition of classes for which I have registered and that tuition payments will be applied to the term in which they are paid.
There are no refunds for missed class or voluntary withdrawal from SBSD during the term. Refunds will only be given in the event of prolonged illness or injury, verified by a doctor's excuse. Students may make up a class that is missed as long as it is done within one month. There are no refunds or reductions in tuition for missed classes due to weather or holidays.
If I find that my child is unable to continue classes for any reason, I understand that I must give a written 30 day’s notice to the office and that I am responsible for paying the following month's tuition.
I understand that a registration fee of $45 and the amount of one month’s tuition is required to reserve a place in class for each of my students.
Class tuition is based on the number of weeks in the season, divided into 9 monthly payments for your convenience. You have the option to:
Monthly checks (Pay to Savannah Ballet School of Dance)
-Due the 1st of every month (no later than the 5th).
-A $25.00 Late fee will be applied for all payments received after the 5th of each month.
-A $25.00 fee will be added for any returned checks.
Monthly automatic debit/credit payments made by the 5th of the month.
-You must provide a valid Debit/Credit card number at the time of registration.
-Please note that a 3.50% convenience fee will be added to your monthly tuition.
Dress Code
I understand that if my child does not follow the Dress Code that SBSD has put into place, he/she will not be able to participate in class.
Hair should be in a tight, secure (with bobby pins!), close-to-the-head professional ballet bun for Ballet (short hair must be pulled back, away from the face). IF TIME PERMITS, hair may be worn in a tight ponytail for Tap and Jazz.
Drawstrings and/or ribbons must be tucked into shoes.
Jewelry is NOT permitted in class, with the exception of small, stud earrings.
Warm-ups are not permitted.
Pas de Trois, 4 Year Old Ballet & Tap, K & 1st Ballet & Tap:
White SBSD leotard, ballet skirt*, white socks, pink ballet shoes** and black tap shoes**.
*Skirts must be short, with a solid color/simple pattern that will not be distracting in class.
**Please write your child’s First AND Last name in their ballet shoes to prevent misplacement.
2nd Grade thru High School/Advanced BALLET:
Uniform SBSD leotard, pink tights*, pink ballet shoes, and (if applicable) pink pointe shoes and uniform ballet skirt.
*Tights must be clean, without holes or runs, and must be worn UNDERNEATH the leotard.
Footless tights will NOT be allowed.
2nd Grade thru Advanced TAP & JAZZ:
Black leotard, pink or black tights, black jazz shoes and/or black tap shoes.
White shirt, black shorts or leggings, white or black socks, and black ballet, tap, and jazz shoes.
No loose shirts, loose shorts/pants, sweats, baggy warm-ups or plastic pants are permitted.
Hair should be neat and out of the face.