You must be over 18 to register for an account. By clicking this message you are acknowledging that you are over 18.
Waivers and Policies -I agree not to hold Liam Harney, The Harney-Pender-Keady Academy of Irish Dance, HPK Instructors, and/or any of its affiliates responsible for any loss, accident, or injury incurred on these and any other premises while my child is participating in dance lessons, shows, competitions, etc. -It is understood and agreed that the participant is physically fit and prepared for participation in the activities which will be undertaken, and that the participant has not been advised by any doctor or other medical person that participation in these activities should be avoided and/or limited. - I understand that my personal health insurance is responsible for any costs incurred if my dancer becomes ill or injured at the studio or at a dance-related event and requires medical attention or services. - I give permission for my dancers' pictures to appear on the Harney-Pender-Keady Academy website, to be used in press releases, and be used for advertising & promotional purposes without compensation to my child or myself. - Injury Policy regarding tuition: Tuition will be paid in full for the first month. If an injury lasts longer than one month tuition is suspended for the second and any additional months. - Class/Program Drop: 30 Day Notice is required. -I agree to pay my tuition on time or incur a late fee.