We are a private business and have the right to refuse service to any person who does not follow our policies and procedures.
Tuition Policy & Procedures
We have a NO REFUND policy. Refunds are only issued if we cancel a class due to low enrollment. Costumes are non refundable.
A card MUST be listed on file upon registration.
A 4.2% service charge will be added when payments are made by debit, credit card or ACH.
*There is a 5% discount on tuition if the year is paid in full by 09/15/ or within 15 days of starting class
***Class prices are subject to change without notice.
Tuition payments will only be received via cash or debit/credit card. A card MUST be listed on file upon registration for Auto Pay.
Enrollment is required for the full season in order to teach our dancers commitment.
Payments are due the 25th of the month which will be auto drafted from card on file. If paying in cash, payments are due the 15th of the month for the next month. (i.e. November 15 to pay for December's classes)
Tuition fees are paid monthly or annually. When you are enrolling, you are enrolling for the complete season, teaching our dancers commitment. You must inform us 30 days before you would like to unenroll from your Membership or you will still be charged for the following month, in addition to a $65 early cancellation fee, if you have not completed the season. We have Rollover Registration making it convenient for our families to grow with us. If you choose to opt out for our next season you will have to let us know by August 15th before tuition is drafted on August 25th.
Any payment received after the 26th of the month is considered late.
Late Fee Payments received after the 26th of each month will be assessed a $35.00 late fee per student.
Classes Per Month- A full month of classes shall be 3-5 classes per month. We follow Merrillville Community School calendar for holiday closings. Please see our Facebook page and Bri's Dance Place website calendar for scheduled holiday closings.
Payment Forms - At this time we accept debit cards, credit cards (MasterCard and Visa) and cash.
Past Due Accounts - Students whose accounts have a past due balance will not be permitted to class.
Missed Classes“ If a child is unable to attend a class, please notify the instructor and the front desk. As a courtesy to our students, students who miss a class may attend another class within 2 weeks.
All Private lessons must be paid in advance.
With advance notice of absence, make-up classes are permitted within 2 weeks of the missed class.
Social Media Policy
Bri's Dance Place Social Media Policy
Please remember that your anonymity on Social Media is never guaranteed and to exercise particular caution when posts, images, or videos identify children in your care.
Remain mindful that your behavior on Social Media remains in keeping with Bris Dance Place (BDPs) code of conduct.
Any comments or posts perceived to be obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, discriminatory or hateful towards BDPs staff, students or families may subject the owner to disciplinary or legal action.
Should you wish to engage on Social Media while identifying as a studio dancer parent volunteer or employee, you may only do so with integrity, respect, and adhere to privacy and confidentiality policy. Any content revealing or referring to sensitive studio information is not allowed to be shared online.
Intellectual property laws (for example, costume design and choreography), must be observed by all studio patrons when posting online. This includes but not limited to manuals, forms, handbooks, and syllabus, etc.
While affiliated with our studio, (for example, images of your child in BDPs uniform) we will not tolerate any posts that are racially, sexually, physically or religiously offensive.
All matters pertaining directly to the studio whether it be fees, scheduling, placements or performance opportunities may not be communicated via Social Media. We have an open door policy and encourage all communication, complaints and feedback to be communicated to the Parent Liaison directly.
We discourage parents / students and teachers from becoming friends or followers on Social Media, unless there is an existing relationship. We consider all studio members to be family and as such feel the obligation to respect and monitor personal boundaries.
Families found to be engaging in hidden or private groups formed for the specific purpose of discussing studio matters will be encouraged to join our closed Facebook group for public discussion and warned against discussing Studio matters in their private online groups.
Photos or Videos taken from performances or rehearsals may NOT be posted online without permission.
You may not post photographs / videos that feature BDPs dancers other than your own online without the proven consent of their parent/guardian.
Identifying information of any featured minors including names, ages or location must be removed when posting on Social Media
Covid Policy
Bri's Dance Place
Individual Release and Hold-Harmless Agreement
I, the undersigned, acknowledge and understand, that as a dancer of Bri's Dance Place, entering in the studio, having personal contact with my instructor and classmates, associated with taking classes in the studio, at this time during a government mandated social distancing order due to the COVID-19 outbreak, involves a certain degree of risk that could result in illness, injury, death or loss or damage to person or property.
I further acknowledge and understand the following precautions and disclosures being taken at this time by Bri's Dance Place:
Temperatures will be taken when anyone enters the building;
2) Hand sanitizer/hand washing will be used when dancers enter and exit the building;
3) Dancers will not be permitted to do partner work or types of lifts, therefore, keeping
contact as nonexistent as possible;
4) That Bri's Dance Place cannot guarantee that dancers will stay 6 feet apart at all
times as when dancers start moving during class due to the nature of the activity;
5) Masks will be allowed but they will not be required, if a dancer wishes to have a
mask and does not have on one may be provided by Bris Dance Place;
6) Parents shall drop dancers off at the door and will not be permitted in the studio, unless their child is 7 years or younger they are however welcome to watch the class via zoom;
7) Classes will be dismissed approximately 10 minutes early to allow for one group of
dancers to exit and allowing time for staff to disinfect the area prior to the next group
of classes entering the building;
8) Dancers with a break in between classes will not be allowed to remain in the building
they will need to exit the building and re-enter at their next class time; and
9) If a dancer does not feel well during class, Bri's Dance Place will have a designated area for the dancer to wait away from other students while waiting for their parent/guardian.
After carefully considering the risk involved, I hereby release, hold-harmless and waive all claims associated with allowing the above described access to Bri's Dance Place facilities which I may have against Bri's Dance Place, its staff, employees, officers, director, and members.
I further acknowledge that the choice at this time to return to in-person classes, is my
The choice of my family is in no way being required by Bri's Dance Place as classes will remain available on Zoom.