• REGISTRATION FEE: The registration fee is • $50 for single student or • $75 for family per year and it is automatically charged to your account on its annual due date for the current dance season. The registration fee is non-refundable.
• MONTHLY TUITION: Tuition will be billed automatically on the 25th day of the month for the following month from August through the end of the dance season. Monthly payments are based on an average of four (4) weeks per month during the dance year.
• PAYMENTS: We collect tuition payments through pre-authorized credit card billing or bank debit card. Tuition is due on the 25th of the month for the following month due. A late fee of $10 will be assessed on the 6th of the month. You will be responsible for providing new credit card information if there are any changes to avoid any late fees. Customers have the option to pay tuition with a check, cash, cashier’s check, money order, or other debit/credit card before the 25th of the prior month if they do not wish to have the provided debit/credit card on file processed. There will be a $25 service charge for any returned checks and you will no longer be able to make payments via check, if you have more than one returned check during the year.
• WITHDRAWAL: You are responsible for payment for all classes that you are enrolled in, even if absent, until Alius Dance School receives a 30-day written notice of withdrawal. If you cancel your enrollment contract ON or AFTER the billing date for the next month (25th day), your cancellation will take effect at the end of that current monthly payment. No credits or refunds will be given for withdrawals after the 25th of the month.
• CLASS CARDS: A class-card consists of ten (10) prepaid classes and expires 3 months after date of purchase. *This is for adult students only and is nonrefundable. Class-card students are bound by the registration fees within this Contract. Monthly Tuition, Make-Up classes and withdrawal notices are NOT applicable to students with class cards.
• ENROLLMENT CHANGES: Any changes from monthly tuition enrollment either in the amount of classes, classes enrolled, or to/from a class card, shall be made in writing at least 2-weeks prior to the beginning of the month.
• MAKE UP CLASSES: A make-up class should be requested for missed classes. You have 30 days from the missed date to complete a make-up class. It is your responsibility to coordinate scheduling of make-up classes with our front desk. Any classes missed during the last 30 days of the end of the season expire at the end of the current dance season and do not rollover to summer classes or the following new dance season. We do not prorate tuition or issue refunds due to missed classes. There are no refunds for classes missed including scheduled holidays per our school policies. Missed lessons cannot be used in place of payment; no adjustment or credit will be given for missed classes.
• CODE OF CONDUCT: Appropriate and respectful behavior must be exhibited in our school particularly during class and rehearsals. This includes no side conversations and no cell phone usage in the classroom. Instructors reserve the right to dismiss the student from class due to misconduct and no refund shall be given.
• DRESS CODE: Student shall adhere to the dress code at all times; refer to dress code policy at www.aliusdance.com. Instructors reserve the right to dismiss a student from class due to dress code violation and no refund shall be given.
Liability Waiver and Medical Attention Authorization:
• I acknowledge that due to the nature of dance classes, neither Alius Dance School nor any of its officers, students, faculty, staff or independent contractors will be held accountable for any injury that might occur while in the First Coast Ballet Theatre, LLC, facility or any facility used for rehearsals or performances, whether it be caused by accident, or negligence, by any party aforementioned; and I further waive and release Alius Dance School, its officers, faculty, staff and independent contractors from any claims arising from such injuries as well as from any actions taken in seeking medical attention in the manner detailed below. I understand that my child/I will dance at its/mine own risk.
• I also hereby authorize, in the event of illness or accident, medical care without delay, which in the judgment of First Coast Ballet Theatre, LLC, its officers, faculty, and staff or independent contractors, is dictated by circumstances and/or recommended by medical personnel. I also grant authorization to any emergency room facility to administer necessary medical care in the event of an accident or illness requiring such care while I/my child is engaged in First Coast Ballet Theatre, LLC activities. I further understand that I am responsible for any and all expenses resulting from the foregoing emergency treatment and/or doctor ’s care and that the First Coast Ballet Theatre, LLC its officers, faculty, staff and independent contractors will be indemnified and held harmless by the undersigned for such expenses.
Media Release Authorization:
• In consideration of mine and/or my child(ren)’s participation in First Coast Ballet Theatre, LLC, I hereby authorize the videotaping, photography, and recording of the dancer(s) listed herein, and/or release of my/his/her name and achievements for educational, promotional, and other purposes deemed appropriate by officers of First Coast Ballet Theatre,LLC. I also authorize the use of the videotape/photography and other information regarding myself/my child(ren) in printed matter or other media for presentations by First Coast Ballet Theatre, LLC without my further consent. I hereby agree that such media information shall be the sole property of the First Coast Ballet Theatre, LLC.
Force Majeure Clause:
• Force Majeure Event is hereby defined as any act of God, earthquake, hurricane, flood, fire or other casualty, any other natural catastrophes, civil commotion, riot, mob violence, insurrection, malicious mischief, sabotage, rebellion, act of public enemy, terrorism, war, invasion, embargo, infectious disease, act of a Governmental Authority in its sovereign capacity, local, regional or world threats or outbreak of epidemic or pandemic disease(s), or any event similar to the foregoing beyond the reasonable control of the Company, First Coast Ballet Theatre, LLC.
If the Company closes due to a Force Majeure Event or another comparable unforeseeable emergency for a short period duration of less than 7 days, make-ups for missed classes and class-card expiration day will be extended for the same amount of days that the Company remained closed.
• If the Company closes due to a Force Majeure Event or another comparable unforeseeable emergency for a long period duration of more than 7 days, classes may transition to virtual classes and/or the season may be extended. Monthly tuition will continue to be due per this contract through the end of the dance season. The withdrawal policy of the company will apply.
I hereby expressly wave and discharge all claims and agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless First Coast Ballet Theatre ,LLC. from any injuries incurred during classes, rehearsals, or performances. I also understand that the registration, tuition, and other applicable fees must be paid and that I will be held responsible for all fees if I withdraw from participation after registration, until written notice of withdrawal is received, as stated in First Coast Ballet Theatre, LLC policies.
I acknowledge that I have been given access to Alius Dance School dance program and policies and have been told where I can obtain any revisions made to these documents (www.aliusdance.com). By my signature, I acknowledge I read and agree to all First Coast Ballet Theatre, LLC policies and dance program requirements.
I hereby authorize First Coast Ballet Theatre, LLC to charge my credit card account. I understand that a 30-day written notice prior to the 25th of the month is required to terminate billing and I am responsible for payment whether or not my student attends classes until I notify Alius Dance School in writing to drop my student from class(es).
Should I dispute a charge through my financial institution this will constitute a breach of contract possibly resulting in, but not limited to, penalties, additional fees, collection, legal action, and/or termination of any and/or all current and future services.
I fully understand and agree to the above statements.