Dance Divas Performing Group Policies and Billing Contract
All team members and their parents will be held to the highest standards of conduct. Communicating negatively about anyone in or outside our studio will not be tolerated. Team members are expected to show courtesy and respect to all instructors and other students. Any student who exhibits repeated negative or disrespectful behavior will be asked to leave the team. Diva dancers are always respectful, supportive, encouraging and are positive in spirit, attitude and behavior.
Other Guidelines: Students may not teach or assist at another dance school. Members may not belong to another dance school’s competition or performance group. The directors/coaches reserve the right to make and enforce disciplinary decisions concerning any situation not covered in this contract. The directors/coaches reserve the right to interpret eligibility standing of every member of this group.
Tuition is due in full as follows per month prior to services rendered:
Divas In Training 40.00
Dance Divas 60.00
Stars Advanced Performing Group 70.00
These prices will remain the same every month regardless of practices. Tuition is due in full on the 1st of the month, and considered late as of the 5th. For every week that tuition is late, account will be charged 5.00/week.
Families with two or more children in any program are eligible for a 20% student discount per month.
A dance company is a team. Just as sports teams require all players to attend practices, dance companies require their dancers to attend all classes and rehearsals. Absences will not only affect the individual dancer, but the Company as a whole.
Formations and cuts may be applied as needed, and will be based on the greater good of the team.
Absences and Refunds: If you should happen to miss class, please send an e-mail to, and the amount of the class will be credited to next month’s tuition.
Refunds will not be issued for performance fees, recital fees, or costumes.
For each performance, there will be a 4.00 performance fee charge. This can be paid through Square, and will confirm dancer’s attendance at an event.
Photo/Video Release Waiver: I acknowledge and consent to allow Dance Divas Performing Group to use: photos and/or videos of my child/myself in publications (such as flyers/brochures), advertisements (such as newspapers or online ads), our studio’s website, or on social media sites (such as the studio’s facebook or instagram account). I understand that in some cases, my child and/or my name may be used. I further understand no financial compensation will be for use of these photos/videos.
Finally… Don’t forget to have fun! You’ll gain lifetime of great memories and friendships during this time together so enjoy every second! Dance Divas Performing Group strives to make this the most positive and rewarding experience for our dancers and look forward to having another incredible and exciting dance season.