-Registration Policy 

Registration for Forever Dancing, LLC. 2023-2024 season requires a registration fee and 1st installment of tuition per student at the time of registration. Forever Dancing, LLC. Dance tuition for the 2023-2024 is based on 37 weeks of dance lessons and is paid in 9 installments. Each installment is due on the 1st of each month Sept-May. Last installment is due May 1, 2024 which includes both May & June Installments. The 37-week dance season, 
has scheduled closings/holidays which are already calculated into the schedule. Therefore, make-up classes are not allowed for scheduled closings/holidays. The 2023-2024 Calendar can be found online at 
https://foreverdancingny.com/calendar. A $25 late fee will be charged for any installment payments made after 
the 5th of each month Sept-May. Forever Dancing, LLC. Does not allow students to skip or miss monthly payments due to non-attendance. If at any time a student does not want to continue attending classes each month from Sept-June, the student will be switched to a “walk-in†registration. Adult classes, special event programs or students requesting “walk-in†registration will be charged $30 per class if space is available in the requested class. Adult programs, special event programs and/or “walk-in†students will not participate in the annual dance recital.
Registrations received after Oct 31, 2023 will be prorated to reflect the remaining weeks left in the season from the date of registration.
Registration fees and tuition are non-refundable. If a student wishes to withdraw from the 2023-2024dance season, Forever Dancing, LLC. Requires 30-day written notice to forever_dancingny@yahoo.com. If a student needs to withdraw due to injury, a signed medial document must be provided and a credit will be issued for any installments made for lessons not taken.
All Tuition Installments and/or outstanding balances must be paid to participate in the annual dance recital. Additionally, all tuition installments and/or outstanding balances must be paid before recital tickets can be purchased.
For Competitive Team Members, all tuition installments, competition Fees, costume Fees, private lessons and/or any outstanding balances must be paid to participate in Competitions and the annual dance recital.
Additionally, all tuition installments, competition Fees, costume Fees, private lessons and/or any outstanding balances must be paid before recital tickets can be purchased.
Additional Fees associated with any performances, competitions, special events and/or annual recitals are not included in dance tuition or registration fees.
-Make-Up Policy
If your child is sick, do not attend dance class. If your child misses a class they must make-up the class in an 
age-appropriate dance class. Make-up classes can be done at any time during their current registered dance season. 
Makeup classes can be done anytime Sept-May. Please notify us at forever_dancingny@yahoo.com so we can schedule your make-up class. No drop-in make-up classes will be allowed. We do not prorate or refund classes due to absences. Dance class Tuition is based on your payment agreement.
-Inclement Weather Policy
In the event the dance studio is closed due to inclement weather, our make-up policy will go into affect. Please check our website, messages or emails from Forever Dancing for notices regarding inclement weather closings.
-Emergency Shutdown Policy
In the event of a local, state or government emergency shutdown that requires our dance studio to close temporarily, Forever Dancing classes will continue online in virtual dance classes. The virtual classes will operate during and take the place of regularly scheduled in-person classes. If your dancer chooses to not participate in the virtual classes in the event of an emergency closure, you will receive a credit for the missed classes during the emergency shutdown. Forever Dancing must be notified in writing by email at forever_dancingny@yahoo.com within one week of studio closure of the decision to not attend online classes. You will receive a credit for the missed classes. No refunds will be issued.