Gotta Dance! Studio Informed Consent Lanell Brennan, Owner and Instructor, Michelle Taylor- Ayers, Dance Instructor, Bayleigh Griffith Instructor I desire to engage voluntarily in the Gotta Dance! Studio Program in Oneida Tn. The Gotta Dance Studio Curriculum has been described to me in detail and I am familiar with the demands inherent to me in this program, I am aware that this program is a physical activity and there is an inherent risk of injury. As an inducement to my enrollment, I certify to the Gotta Dance! Studio that I am not aware that I have any physical conditions which would prevent me from participating in this program. In consideration to the efforts put forth by the Gotta Dance! Studio to provide me that opportunity to participate in this program, I hereby release and discharge and agree to indemnify, defend, and save harmless Mrs. Lanell Brennan and Mrs. Michelle Taylor- Ayers ( owner and teachers) and all others connected to the Gotta Dance! Studio, all liability what-so ever incurred by them or that I or my representative have or may have against any of them arising from my participation. COVID 19 is a new disease and there is limited information regarding risk factors. I agree to not send my child if they have exhibited symptoms of COVID 19 or have been exposed to someone with the virus. I will let the Gotta Dance Studio! know as soon as I am aware of either of these conditions. I have read the foregoing and understand. Any questions that have arisen or occurred to me have been answered to my satisfaction. I have executed this Informed Consent intending to be legally bound. _______________________________________________________________________________