You must be 18 or over to register for an account.
You must inform your teacher of any physical handicaps which may hinder your participation in class. “STEPPIN’ OUT DANCE CENTRE†and its staff are not liable for personal injury or loss of property. DO NOT leave children unsupervised before or after class. Please be aware that we sometimes feature pictures of our dancers in the newspaper and on our website. (Please let us know if you do not wish to have your child included) I have read, understand, and accept the policies stated here and in the “Steppin’ Out†brochure. Late Fees: A $10.00 late fee will be added to all tuition not paid by the 8th of the month. Costumes: At least one costume MUST be paid at time of registration. All costumes are non-refundable after December 1st. Costumes will be ordered in December. A $10 late fee will be automatically applied for each unpaid costume after December 15th.