The undersigned member and/or their legal parent(s)/guardian(s) indemnifies and holds harmless Creation Dance Studio, LLC (Creation Dance Studio or CDS) its agents, officers, volunteers, instructors, and staff from any liability whatsoever for any injuries, harm, or loss of property while participating in dance classes, tumbling classes, cheer classes, Adaptive Dance classes, dance camps, rehearsals, online classes, private lessons, Pilates, fitness classes, studio events, performances, exercise/movement of any kind, or any other activities at or involved with CDS and its facilities, volunteers, or staff.
In consideration of my participation, I hereby release and covenant not-to-sue CDS, its owners or any of its staff, agents, volunteers, and members from any and all present and future claims resulting from ordinary negligence on the part of CDS or others listed for property damage or loss, personal injury, or wrongful death arising from a result of my child or myself engaging in or receiving instruction in dance, tumbling, cheer, Adaptive Dance, dance camps, Pilates, exercise, online classes, performances, studio events, or any other activity or any activity incidental thereto, wherever, whenever, or however the same may occur. I hereby voluntarily waive any and all claims resulting from ordinary negligence, both present and future, that may be made by me, my family, estate, heirs, successors, or assigns.
Further, I am aware that dancing, tumbling/acro, cheer, Adaptive Dance, Pilates, dance camps, and aerobic activities are vigorous sporting activities involving lifts and rotations, in a unique environment and as such they pose risk of injury. I understand that dance, Adaptive Dance, tumbling, cheer, movement, dance camps, performances, studio events and activities, general physical activity, and related activities always involve certain risk, including but not limited to, death, concussion, serious neck injury and spinal injuries resulting in complete or partial paralysis, brain damage and serious injury to virtually all bones, joints, muscles, and internal organs, and that the safety equipment and apparatus provided for my protection, including the active participation of instructors or teachers who will spot and assist in the performance of certain skills may be inadequate to prevent serious injury. I understand that participation in dance, Adaptive Dance, tumbling/acro, cheer, dance camps, Pilates, performances, movement, exercise, online classes of any kind, and related activities incidental to that participation, including for example: moving from class to class, lingering in the hallway area, conditioning, and stretching are all activities that may leave me vulnerable to the reckless actions of other participants who may not have complete control of their actions or who may not see other students on the floor or in the surrounding area.
Having read and understood the foregoing paragraph, I am voluntarily participating in this activity with knowledge of the risks involved. I hereby agree to accept any and all inherent risks of property damage or loss, personal injury, or death. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless CDS and all others listed, for any and all claims arising as a result of participation by my child (or child that I am a legal guardian of) or myself in receiving instruction at CDS, in activities at CDS or any other activities incidental thereto, whenever, wherever, or however the same may occur.
We suggest you consult your physician prior to your/your child's participation.
I give permission for CDS staff to authorize Emergency Medical Treatment for my child (or child that I am legal guardian of) or myself (if I am unable to communicate my wishes) in the event that they find it necessary.
I also understand that the safety of my child (or child that I am a legal guardian of) both before and after class is my responsibility as their parent/guardian. CDS asks that parents/guardians escort their child into the studio before class and that they pick them up at the studio promptly after class ends. If my child (or child that I am a legal guardian of) arrives at the studio alone or leaves the studio alone I will not hold CDS, their instructors, staff, or volunteers liable for any injuries or incidents that may occur. The staff and instructors at CDS are not responsible and will not be held liable for the safety of my child when/if they leave the premises of CDS without a parent or guardian.
I understand that this liability release, hold harmless, and assumption of risk waiver is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State of Washington and agree that if any portion is held invalid, the remainder of the waiver will continue in full legal force and affect. I further agree that the venue for any legal proceedings will be held within the State of Washington.
I affirm that I am of legal age and that I am freely signing this agreement (in the form of checking the box below). I have read this form and fully understand that by signing this form and checking the box below, I am giving up legal rights and/or remedies which may be available to me for the ordinary negligence of Creation Dance Studio, LLC (“Creation Dance Studio†or “CDSâ€) or any person listed above.
I certify and understand that my electronic check of the box below and/or electronic signature is as valid as a printed signature or additional form of agreement/signature. By signing and checking the box below for this liability release, hold harmless, and assumption of risk waiver, I hereby represent that I am over 18 years old AND/OR I am the parent or legal guardian of the person who will participate in the activities described herein or be instructed by Creation Dance Studio. I am authorized to execute this document on behalf of the herein described person. Furthermore, I represent that consent or authorization from any other person is not legally required.