1. If for any reason you are asked to leave or decide to withdraw, you are still responsible for your payments for the remainder of the season.
2. There is a one-time registration fee of $35.
3. If the weather causes us to close, an email will be sent. We will not offer make-up classes for this time missed, however, you are welcome to take a free class.
4. If you are absent, you may take a free class. This offer excludes Holidays or Closed Studio days.
5. Regular attendance is very important to your child’s progress. Tardiness is frowned upon.
6. Our class size is limited to provide quality instruction.
7. Dancers must be dropped off no more or less than 10 minutes before class begins and be picked up on time. We do not have space or proper care to provide for a child after a class has ended. Therefore, a fee of $10 will be charged every 15 minutes for all children who are picked up late.
8. Correct dance attire and shoes must be worn to class. Street shoes are not allowed in the studio. Hair must always be in a neat bun!
9. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items. Put your child’s first and last name on all belongings for a better chance of having items returned.
10. No jewelry or perfume is to be worn to class. No toys, bottles, or pacifiers are allowed in the dance room.
11. All members have been given a special payment plan for their tuition, however, all payments must be complete by May 2022.
12. Tuition is a yearly payment broken down for your convenience. Your tuition is per year, not per class.
13. Our recital will be in June. Costume and ticket information TBA.
14. Forms of payment that will be accepted include: Master Card, Visa, or Discover. Checks will not be accepted.
15. ABSOLUTELY no refund/ credit on tuition, fees of any kind (eg. Competition), costumes, classes, tickets etc.
16. Dancers who choose to withdraw midseason after costumes are ordered will not be permitted to pick up their costumes until the end of the 2020 season. There will be no refunds for costumes/fees. You will be responsible for tuition until the end of the season.
17. Cell phones must be turned off during class.
18. Dancers should use the bathroom at home. Bathrooms at the studio are only to be used in case of an emergency.
19. Private lessons available upon request. Payments must be made in advance. Cancellations must be 24-hours prior to the scheduled private lesson. Without notice, you will be charged for the lesson.
20. Our completely competent staff would be happy to answer any and all of your questions during studio hours. If you would like to schedule an appointment to speak with a manager, you may call the reception area. Teachers are only responsible for studio curriculum and classroom ethics. Please keep in mind teachers are on an extremely tight schedule to provide quality instruction and have limited time, however, our staff is highly trained and can provide you with accurate information immediately.
21. Tuition must be paid on the 1st of the month, depending on which Payment Plan you have chosen. A late fee of $15 will be assessed after the 10th of the month and a second fee of $30 will be added to your account after the 15th. If you are not up to date with your payments, your child will not be eligible to take class and your balance will be forwarded to collections. If you choose a monthly payment plan, your May 2022 Payment will be doubled and there will be no charge in June 2022.
22. Parents are not permitted in the classroom for any reason, for the safety of the children.
23. Upon entry, please be respectful, this is a place of children. Your child is your responsibility until they are permitted to enter their class. Please do not leave your child until the teacher opens the class door.
24. There is absolutely no running, jumping, or dancing permitted in the waiting area.
25. Dance With Me is a professional establishment, questions regarding personal information about teachers, managers, staff, and dancers will not be disclosed at any time.
26. Receptionists are available to answer your questions, however, our studio is very fast-paced, which leaves little time for small talk. Please keep this in mind while interacting with staff.
27. If you should destroy or damage any Dance With Me property, you will be held responsible.
28. Studio Bathrooms are for the use of students only. Parents and dancers siblings are not permitted to use studio bathrooms. It is disruptive and inappropriate.
29.Dance With Me has a zero-tolerance policy for any insubordinate actions. You will be asked to leave, and all services going forward will be canceled. Our waiting area is designed to set a relaxed atmosphere for dancers and parents as well as provide information. Complaints will not be permitted in this area. If an issue should arise, we ask that you discretely call or email our front desk so we can give you the proper attention and or meeting you deserve. We will not entertain this subject. If you choose to ignore this policy, services will be terminated, effective immediately