Participation Agreements
By creating an account on Kender Academy's Online Registration Portal, I agree that I am over 18, intend to register myself or a child in classes, and agree to Kender Academy's Policy Handbook, Hold Harmless Agreement, Use of Image Agreement, and my Registration Agreement as a member of the Kender Academy of Irish Dance.
I am registering myself or a child in classes and understand that my registration holds my place in a class and an invoice will be generated once I have paid my registration fee. Please see the Kender Academy of Irish Dance Handbook for policies regarding enrollment, policies, and procedures. I agree to follow all policies, procedures, and honor my registration agreement as a member of the Kender Academy.
Hold Harmless Agreement -
I, as the parent/guardian of the students I am registering, acknowledge that this activity involves exertion and carries with it the potential for physical injury.
I hereby agree to waive the right to take legal action or join in any actions against Kender Academy of Irish Dance, Rebecca Kender, and/or any affiliates and associates for injuries, including death, damages, or loss that I or my minor child incurred during practice and/or performance in any location, and participating in any activities connected with or associated with a program or class at Kender Academy of Irish Dance. This includes any injury that occurs during virtual classes, practicing at home, and during tandem virtual/in person instruction. Students must always wear dance shoes, in proper athletic clothing, and practice/dance in a safe space with non-slip flooring.
I understand that I/my child participates in class at our own risk. It is possible during this time to contract a virus, infection, or other illness while anywhere outside of the home. I hereby waive and relinquish any and all claims that I or my minor child may have in holding Kender Academy of Irish Dance, Rebecca Kender, the facility used for classes, or owners of said facilities responsible for illness to my family.
I hereby agree to indemnify, protect and save harmless the parties above or any of them from all judgments, costs and expenses whatsoever arising on account of any action, claim or demand by myself, the minor child of mine, or any child for which I am acting in guardianship or supervisory capacity. It is understood and agreed that the participant is physically fit and prepared for participation in the activities which will be undertaken, and the participant has not been advised by any doctor or other medical person that participation in these activities should be avoided and/or limited.
I attest that I have read and accept the terms of this Hold Harmless paragraph and realize that a breach of the guidelines could result in dismissal from the school.
Use of Image -
Participation in any competition or performance is at the sole discretion and decision of the parent. I hereby give permission to the school and the parties to use my name and/or my child’s name, photographic likeness in all forms and media for use in Kender Academy’s publicity or educational materials, use on the Kender Academy Website, social media pages promoting Kender Academy, at events, advertising, trade and any other lawful purpose without any remuneration.
By participating in Kender Academy classes and/or events, I understand my/my child’s image will be captured and recorded for educational purposes and will be available for replay within our community. I hereby permit the capture and distribution of my/my child’s image within class materials and promotional materials.
Registration Agreement -
I understand and agree to uphold the terms of my registration for my selected class(es) at Kender Academy of Irish Dance.
Classes under our 2024-2025 season are a contract for the academic year (September 2024 through Aug 2025) as my student has registered for a place in our selected class(es) and I am liable for the full amount indicated on my 2024-2025 invoice. I understand that if my dancer loses interest, has conflicts with other activities, etc I will have to apply under the withdrawal procedure to relinquish my student’s place in class and stop payment. I will communicate with Rebecca Kender any concerns I have and will be open to conflict resolutions before following the withdrawal procedure as a last resort. Classes are non-refundable and non-transferable unless the class does not meet capacity to run. By registering for any class at Kender Academy, I agree to all policies and understand my dancer cannot participate in classes with an open balance. I will comply with payment procedures including late payment penalties.
Auto-Pay Agreement -
Kender Academy requires fees for each payment period to be paid no later than the 7th of each month (i.e. Payment 1 is due by September 7th, Payment 2 is due by Oct 7th and so on. *With the exception of Payment 5 which is due by January 8th). If tuition is not paid on time, a late fee of $15 of the outstanding balance is added once the 7th day of the month has passed. By enrolling in Auto-Pay, I authorize Kender Academy to charge my credit card or bank account stored in my account each month for tuition, penalties, registration, or any other fees accumulated on the 1st of each month. I understand that registration for any Kender Academy class is a contract for the term dates outlined and I am liable to pay my full contracted fees including but not limited to tuition, registration, and late fees. If I wish to withdraw, I will follow the withdrawal procedure outlined in our handbook. I will receive receipts for all transactions through the primary email associated with my account and can view statements through my online portal. I have the right to dispute any part of the bill within 10 days of the charge, however me/my dancer(s) will not participate in classes while there is an open dispute. After 10 days I will not dispute any part of the bill. I will keep my account updated and ensure the credit card on file is current and able to be charged. If a credit/debit card company rejects automatic payments and reverses charges, Kender Academy will charge a return fee and any other costs associated with the charges.
School Policy Agreement -
I have read and understand all policies outlined in the Kender Academy of Irish Dance Handbook relevant to my class selections. This agreement serves as my commitment and compliance with all policies outlined, adherence to procedures outlined, as well as all staff directives related to these policies, procedures, and agreements. Failure to comply with any of the above will result in my expulsion from Kender Academy at my own expense.
Signature agrees to all waivers above.
Kender Academy of Irish Dance Handbook
Welcome to the Kender Academy of Irish Dance!
We are so excited to be welcoming you to the Kender Academy family. We look forward to introducing you to and cultivating your love of Irish Dance. Please look over our School Policy Handbook.
Mission Statement:
● Our mission is to provide an Irish Dance education that is rooted in the traditional artform and explores the modern performance styles. Whether your dancer is interested in the competitive or performance aspect of Irish Dancing, there is a place for everyone at the Kender Academy!
● Our studio is a family. We are an encouraging, loving, respectful, and supportive team. Our dancers will have the opportunity to participate on a competitive Ceili Team, a Performance team, and as an individual competitor under the Kender Academy Team.
● We encourage our dancers to be goal-oriented so that they can feel a positive sense of accomplishment and satisfaction at every stage of their dancing journey, both competitively and recreationally. Our dancers will be challenged to grow as a dancer in and out of the studio.
● We work to provide all our dancers with the necessary tools they need to achieve their personal goals and encourage our students to hone their skills by participating in competitions, grade exams, and performances on the local and international level.
● At the Kender Academy we will focus on the overall health and wellness of our dancers. Students will learn the importance of complementing their dancing with strength and conditioning, and nutritional lifestyle within a safe and accepting environment.
● We are more than a dance studio; we are a community. Everyone is welcome, no matter your age, level, or experience. Our focus is on friendship, dedication, discipline, respect, fitness, teamwork, and artistic expression. Most importantly, we want every dancer who walks into our studio to have fun!
Kender Academy of Irish Dance
For current dancers & parents only
No unauthorized reproduction of materials
Kender Academy Handbook
1. Class Times & Locations
a. As Kender Academy does not currently have it’s own “studio,” classes are held at
i. MB Dancers Studio: 97 Hempstead Turnpike , Farmingdale NY, 11735.
ii. Balanced Body Pilates and Fitness: 329-3 Broadway Bethpage NY, 11714
iii. Great South Bay Dance: 187 Broadway Amityville NY, 11701
b. Studio Staff for the above studios are not a part of Kender Academy of Irish Dance. Please be respectful when you are in the studio and interacting with their staff, but all questions regarding Kender Academy of Irish Dance should be directed to Rebecca Kender and not discussed with the above studio’s staff.
c. Dance families must adhere to each studio’s lobby policies.
d. Please do your best to be on time for class so as not to disrupt class once the lesson has started. If you are late, dancers should enter quickly and quietly.
2. Studio Etiquette
a. Dancer Expectations:
i. We as teachers expect all our dancers, competitive and non-competitive, to work hard and make their own personal progress every year. Setting goals allows our dancers to feel a positive sense of accomplishment and satisfaction at every stage of their dancing journey.
ii. All students are considered equal, regardless of age and level. Students are expected to treat each other with kindness and respect. Negative comments and bullying are not tolerated from the dancers and/or parents. Any unkind, mean spirited, or disrespectful remarks towards another dancer or family will result in the student being placed on probation from classes, performances, or competitions at their own expense.
iii. We expect our students to show respect for their teachers, their parents, their classmates, other parents, other dancers, their competitors, adjudicators, musicians, etc. Most importantly we expect our dancers to respect and believe in themselves.
● We show respect by listening to directions, following instructions and rules, being respectful towards our facility and anywhere we visit; showing kindness and compassion, and encouraging one another.
iv. We expect our dancers to always show good sportsmanship and behave appropriately inside and outside the studio. Through dancing, we learn to handle good days with bad days, wins with losses, and triumphs with defeats. No matter the outcome, dancers must treat others with respect, with appropriate congratulations, or condolences as a sign of good sportsmanship.
v. Students will conduct themselves with dignity, grace, and respect inside and outside the studio. Especially during their interactions with others online. Kender Academy will not tolerate cyber bullying, inappropriate postings to our social media pages, or during the sharing of Kender Academy Posts, or disrespectful posts/conversations within the Irish Dance community. Dancers are also not allowed to comment or get involved with posts on the Irish Dance Voy boards.
b. Parent/Supporters Expectations:
i. We expect the parents and families of our students to show respect for our staff, other dancers and their families, and the community at large.
ii. If you have a question or concern, we ask you to communicate directly with Kender Academy staff rather than attempting to communicate through your dancer or other parents. We work hard to communicate information, directives, changes, and other pertinent information effectively and accessibly to eliminate confusion. Please make sure your contact information is correct and up to date, so you always receive important information.
iii. We want you to be your Child’s biggest cheerleader no matter what kind of class they had, the result they received at competitions, mishap they had during a performance, or feedback they received from a teacher or adjudicator. Each dancer has their own dance journey, personal goals, and develops differently, and at different rates. We are proud of each of our individual dancers' improvements and achievements. With that being said, we ask that you monitor your own dancer’s progress only.
iv. We also ask that you support your dancer’s dancing without being overbearing or attempting to coach them. This often causes the opposite outcome and leads to stress and frustration around dancing.
v. Parents will conduct themselves with dignity, grace, and respect inside and outside the studio. Especially during their interactions with others online. Kender Academy will not tolerate cyber bullying, inappropriate postings to our social media pages or during the sharing of Kender Academy Posts, or disrespectful posts/conversations on the Irish Dance Voy boards.
vi. In the event you experience mistreatment from another dancer, family, or any member of our organization, we ask you to swiftly bring any issues to our attention. Kender Academy does not support, encourage, or tolerate bullying, harassment, or drama and will dismiss problematic members from the school. An Coimisiun (our governing body) upholds a mandatory six-month suspension for any dismissals.
c. Studio Expectations:
i. We are here for dancers and families who:
● Focus on learning
● Thrive in a disciplined environment
● Are willing to work hard
● Are committed to our dance family values
● Are supportive of each other
● Have a team mindset
● Enjoy Dancing
● Are interested in Competing and/or performing
ii. We are not here for dancers and families who:
● Bully, complain, gossip, and/or disrespect any member of the Kender Academy Family
● Focus and compare their progress and goals to that of others
● Who believe there is an “I” in Team
● Are not willing to support, cheer, and encourage all dancers
● Find more excuses to not practice than reasons to practice
● Do not enjoy dancing
iii. Dancers and families must help keep our studios clean and tidy by disposing of their own garbage, wiping off outside shoes, and not causing damage or creating mess to our facilities. We appreciate everyone’s help and cooperation in keeping a comfortable and tidy dance environment.
● This policy extends to feiseanna and performances.
iv. We do not allow parents in the dance room because we find that it distracts the dancers from the task at hand. Dancers are more focused on the teacher and will perform better with fewer people in the room. Dance is also about learning independence. You will see your dancer grow so much in confidence from their dance classes. Parents will get opportunities throughout the year to see their dancer perform at feiseanna, shows, and other dance events. We thank you for your understanding!
● Strictly 1 Parent/Caregiver is allowed to accompany their dancer during our Caregiver & Me style Classes. No younger siblings or extra adults are allowed in the studio during class. Having more than one accompanying caregiver in the studio disrupts the attention and progress of the whole class.
v. Parents are welcome to stay in the studio lobby for the duration of their dancer’s class.
vi. Parents are responsible for any children/dependents outside of the immediate classroom.
vii. Students under 10 must be accompanied by an adult known to us and them when leaving. Guardians will be asked to supply names of family/friends allowed to pick up their students.
viii. No Food, snacks, or gum allowed in the studio at any time. Water is the only acceptable drink inside the studio. Please always send your child with water as this class is very aerobic!
3. Class Policies
a. Class Dress Code:
i. We firmly believe that if you dress like a dancer, you feel and dance like a dancer.
ii. Dress code is strictly enforced in our dance classes and our class uniform must be worn at every class. A dress code cultivates discipline and unity- essential components to the study of dance. It also aids in the focus and energy of class. Wearing the appropriate clothing ensures instructors can see proper technique and alignment and reminds students to take their work seriously.
iii. Dancers will receive a verbal reminder on their first violation of the dress code. Subsequent violations will result in an email to parents explaining the need to come to class in uniform.
iv. Class Attire is as follows:
● Girls: Kender Academy Tshirt, black shorts/skirt/pants, Poodle socks or black tights, hair tied back and proper dance.
● Boys: Kender Academy Tshirt, black shorts or pants, black socks, and proper dance shoes.
● Adults: Black leggings or shorts, socks (poodle, or black/white socks that cover the ankle) or black tights. Kender Academy Shirt or plain black shirt. Hair tied back. Soft Shoes, black ballet shoes, or supportive athletic sneakers.
b. Dancing Shoes
i. Proper dance shoes must be worn during class. Shoes should be fitted, as dancers cannot control their feet to dance properly if their shoes are too big.
ii. Proper Shoes:
● Jump’n Jig & Beginner Classes: Either Black Ballet Shoes or Irish Softshoes
● Hardshoe Classes: Irish Hardshoes
● Adult Classes: Either Black Ballet Shoes, Irish Soft shoes, or dance sneakers – No athletic sneakers or street shoes.
● Advanced: Softshoes & Hardshoes
iii. Dancers are never permitted to participate in class wearing socks or bare feet. Dancers who arrive unprepared have the option to borrow shoes from our shoe bin (if an appropriate size is available), otherwise they will only be allowed to observe class for their safety.
iv. Dance sneakers or running shoes are never permitted in class except for dancers currently rehabilitating injuries. Dancers with injuries should always inform their instructor that an injury is present and follow up with a doctor’s appointment.
v. Shoes can be ordered from the following companies:
a. Sizing Charts are available on their Websites
b. Shoe vendors frequently attend local feissana if you wish to be sized for a shoe in person. You can check the feis calendar for local dates:
vi. Dancers in the Jump’n Jig and Beginner classes have the option to purchase black ballet shoes instead of a pair of soft shoes. These can be purchased inexpensively on Amazon, or in big box retailers.
c. Class Behavior:
i. Dancers are expected to follow directions, have a positive attitude, and help their classmates as needed.
ii. Dancers who become disruptive, or cannot listen and follow directions, will be asked to observe and reflect before being given the opportunity to rejoin class. If behavior continues or becomes detrimental to the class, they will be asked to sit out for the remainder or will be removed from class. Parents will be notified of serious behavior issues or patterns and an apology to the teacher or affected students will be required.
iii. Bad behavior or failing to arrive on time or in uniform does not entitle parents to a refund for that class if the student is not permitted to dance.
iv. Dancers must remain in the dance studio for the duration of class. All necessary shoes, socks, water bottles, etc must be brought into the studio. Items such as phones, tablets, mp3 players, and toys are not allowed in class. Phones must be turned off or in silent mode.
v. Students are not to leave the studio at any time without permission from their teacher. For the safety of your children, permission is needed before going to the bathroom, so we can keep a record of where students are at all times.
vi. Please also remind your dancers that water breaks are only at the designated times per their teacher.
d. Dance Class:
i. Dancers will be guided through a warmup, series of drills, conditioning and cool down stretch as well as taught steps. Classes are designed to push each individual student to their capacity and challenge students.
ii. Dancers will be given feedback throughout the class detailing what to work on as well as what has already improved. Students will receive positive and negative feedback in each class. Students are expected to respond and act on this feedback outside of class in their practice time. Receiving feedback of any kind is an important skill for dancers to learn as they progress. Feedback is never designed to be taken personally and will always be given in a constructive manner.
iii. Dancers will be given instruction personally, in small groups, or as a class. Dancers who show more interest, effort, and improvement will be shown the same in return. Dancers who attend class continually forgetting steps or without practicing will not be getting the most out of their in-class instruction.
iv. Dancers may be given corrections that involve manually adjusting their body positioning. If you or your dancer(s) have concerns about this, please speak with a staff member.
v. Please arrive prior to your class, ready to participate (shoes on and tied, hair up and out of the face).
vi. Parents must be prompt on pickup, especially at closing. Students that are continually left 10-15 minutes or more after our last class of the evening will be liable for babysitting surcharge.
e. Practice:
i. It is important for all students to make sure they spend some time each day practicing at home what was covered in their most recent classes. A minimum of 10 minutes is recommended. This will allow for much faster advancement and mastering of skills.
4. Choreography
a. Kender Academy Choreography, warm up procedures, exercise regimes, and all dance steps are exclusively the property of Kender Academy. Do not disclose any private Kender Academy information to other students at other dance schools, or to parents of students from other dance schools.
b. Generally, new students to Irish Dancing begin with soft shoes for one year. Depending on their age and progression, they will begin hard shoe at the teacher’s discretion.
c. Choreography is appropriately configured for students to learn, drill, and master based on their skill level.
d. At performances, competitions, or anywhere a dancer is representing Kender Academy, they must perform choreography given to them by an instructor at Kender Academy as taught unless given expressed permission to do so otherwise.
5. Attendance & Missed Classes
a. We encourage students to attend their scheduled class (where they appear on the roster) for consistency, continuity, and building relationships with their classmates and instructor. If a student needs to miss class due to illness, household illness, travel, or an emergency, please notify us as soon as possible.
b. Students who are injured should attend class to observe rather than miss class entirely.
c. No credits or refunds will be given for missed classes.
d. If you wish to view or manage your absences, you can do so through your parent portal.
e. Students can make up missed classes at the designated classes assigned to them when available (For example, if your dancer is enrolled in Beginner Softshoe [Monday] Class, they can attend a makeup class for a class of the same name on the schedule, such as Beginner Softshoe [Friday]). Please notify the teacher when you wish to make up a class, so we know to expect you for a make-up class.
6. Additional Classes (Drop-ins)
a. Dancers who are registered for a weekly class that has a second class also available on the schedule, are given the opportunity to attend a second additional class each week for a fee of $15.00.
i. For example, a dancer registered in the Beginner Softshoe [Monday] Class can attend a 2nd class with the same name that week, Beginner Softshoe [Friday], for $15.00.
b. Additional classes, or Drop-in classes as they will be labeled in the Parent Portal, are different from makeup classes. Makeup classes can be scheduled when available for dancers who miss a class for no additional fee. Drop-in Classes are an additional class added on to a dancer’s regular scheduled monthly classes for an additional fee.
c. Dancers can register for a Drop-in Class in their parent portal or let Miss. Rebecca know they will be attending a Drop-in class.
d. The Drop-in fee will be added to a dancer’s portal when registering or after attending class.
e. Drop-in classes are only available for dancers registered in a monthly class. And are only available for classes assigned to each dancer.
f. All dancers are welcome and encouraged to take additional classes.
7. Class Closures
a. We try to keep class interruptions and cancellations to a minimum as dancers learn best with consistent lessons and attendance.
b. If classes are cancelled due to weather or unforeseen circumstances, you will be notified via email. Please make sure the email address associated with your account is current.
c. Classes are not cancelled based on the public schools.
d. Important Class Closures for the Year can be found in your dancer portal and on our website.
8. Correspondence Policies
a. If you have any questions or concerns, please email and Miss Rebecca will get back to you within 24 hours. Any emails sent over the weekend will be addressed on Monday.
b. Since classes begin and end back-to-back there is no extra time allotted for parent/teacher discussions after or before class. Parents should not use this time to enter the studio and ask questions as it would be unfair to take away time from the dancers in the other classes. If an issue or concern has not been resolved via email, and needs further attention, a call or in person meeting will be arranged at the studio before or after all classes.
c. Email:
i. Emails sent will always have the most current and up to date information. Please read them!
ii. Billing Emails - these are sent through our studio management software. We use the reports and automatically generated emails to alert you if your tuition has been posted, there is an outstanding balance, or your action is needed.
● To ensure you, your partner/spouse, dancer, or other contacts receive these communications, make sure to manage your contacts through your parent portal and add ‘’ to your contacts.
iii. If you believe you are not receiving communications from us, it is your responsibility to let us know. We want you to keep up to date with all the happenings of Kender Academy!
9. Class Registration
a. Registration opens two times per year: in August for the Fall Semester, and in May for Summer Classes. If you plan to take a summer class, you must register separately for this.
b. There is an open enrollment option available for all new students and transfers to join at any time.
c. Parents and dancers will receive information prior to registration with their recommended class offerings that they should register for if applicable.
d. Most dancers will remain in the same class from September to June however in some cases students will be invited to move classes mid-year.
e. Dancers are not permitted to move up to a higher class without the director’s permission. If you have questions or concerns regarding class placement, please contact the director.
f. If a dancer has a severe injury that takes them out of classes for 4 weeks or more, dancers may submit a request to amend their class schedule and tuition fees with a copy of their doctor’s diagnosis and treatment plan.
g. Summer Classes are mandatory for any dancer who is eligible for and will be attending the Mid-Atlantic Oireachtas in November.
10. Tuition
a. Our dance year is divided into two semesters; Semester 1: September 16th -December 22nd ; Semester 2: January 5th -June 16th.
b. You can select between two payment options:
i. Monthly payments:
● 30-minute classes: $65/month
● 45-minute classes: $72month
● 60-minute classes: $80/month
● 90-minute classes: $110/month
ii. Semester Payments
● 30-minute classes: $240 Semester 1 / $360 Semester 2
● 45-minute classes: $268 Semester 1 / $402 Semester 2
● 60-minute classes: $300 Semester 1 / $450 Semester 2
● 90-minute classes: $440 Semester 1 / $660 Semester 2
c. Family Package: For families enrolling more than 1 dancer per semester, we offer a family package. The monthly tuition fee will be decreased by $5/month for each additional dancer.
d. Multi-Class: For Dancers enrolled in 2 classes per semester, a 10% discount will be applied to the second-class tuition.
e. Kender Academy operates through online payment only; all payments for services and programs are payable through the online parent portal. Please no cash or checks
f. Tuition will be posted on the 1st of each month and is due on the 7th of each month. Tuition can be paid manually on the parent portal before the 7th to avoid the Auto-Pay Convenience Fee. Any unpaid tuition will be drawn through Auto-Pay on the 7th of each month unless otherwise specified.
g. Please note the exceptions for Payment Schedule posted above:
i. September 2024: A 2nd Auto-Pay is scheduled for dancer’s who register after Sept 7th on Sept 23rd.
ii. January 2025: Tuition Posts 1/2, Auto-Pay 1/8, Due 1/8
iii. Any student that registers for any Kender Academy class after the start of classes will have their tuition prorated with the first payment due upon registration and subsequent payments following the schedule above.
h. A late fee of $15.00 will be charged to your account if tuition is not received by the 7th of the month.
i. After 1 month has elapsed and tuition has not been paid, the dancer will be dropped from the class. The outstanding balance will still be collected.
i. Once a dancer has been registered, your registration fee and all agreements must be submitted to hold your place in class. By registering for class, you are required to make your full tuition payments on time for the remainder of the year unless the withdrawal procedure is followed.
j. Dancers whose parents have not paid their tuition fees cannot participate in any class unless tuition is paid. You will receive notices by email, automated email, and finally phone calls to alert you that your dancer is at risk of not participating.
k. No refunds or credits will be issued at any time regardless of classes missed.
l. $35 Annual Registration Fee per dancer, or $60 per family. It includes a Kender Academy Class Uniform Shirt and 1 pair of Poodle Socks to be distributed the first month of classes.
11. Dance Studio Pro
a. Your parent portal is part of our online studio management software that manages your parent and dancer accounts from class selections, billing, mass emails and texting, and more.
b. Returning students must look over their parent and dancer profiles to confirm all information is up to date and accurate, particularly phone numbers, email addresses, and mailing addresses.
c. If you need multiple parents or caregivers to receive emails or message alerts, you must add all their contact information into the system. The system is fantastic at sending out correspondence, but it will only send to the contact information you provide.
d. Auto-pay
i. Agreement:
● Kender Academy requires fees for each payment period to be paid no later than the 7th of each month (i.e. Payment 1 is due by Sept 7th, Payment 2 is due by October 7th, etc.. with the exceptions of Payment 5 which is due by January 8th as noted above).
● If tuition is not paid on time, a late fee of $15 of the outstanding balance is added once the 7th date of the the month has passed.
● By enrolling in Auto-Pay, I authorize Kender Academy to charge my credit card or bank account stored in my account each month for tuition, penalties, registration, or any other fees accumulated on the 1st of each month. I understand that registration for any Kender Academy class is a contract for the term dates outlined and I am liable to pay my full contracted fees including but not limited to tuition, registration, and late fees.
● If I wish to withdraw, I will follow the withdrawal procedure outlined in our handbook.
● I will receive receipts for all transactions through the primary email associated with my account and can view statements through my online portal.
● I have the right to dispute any part of the bill within 10 days of the charge, however me/my dancer(s) will not participate in classes while there is an open dispute. After 10 days I will not dispute any part of the bill.
● I will keep my account updated and ensure the credit card on file is current and able to be charged. If a credit/debit card company rejects automatic payments and reverses charges, Kender Academy will charge a return fee and any other costs associated with the charges.
ii. Convenience Fees:
● There will be a 3% convenience fee added to your monthly tuition charge for using the auto-pay setting.
● Tuition will be posted on the 1st of the month and is due on the 7th of the month, so parents have the opportunity to log into their Parent Portal and make a manual payment in order to avoid the convenience fee. Any unpaid tuition will be drawn through Auto-Pay on the 7th of the month.
iii. All parents must be enrolled in Auto-Pay through Stripe. Auto-Pay is run on the 7th of every month, unless otherwise specified, to debit tuition fees and unpaid balances on your account. It is the responsibility of each parent to ensure that their card information is up to date as late payment fees do apply.
12. Withdrawal
a. Kender Academy values commitment and perseverance and does not look highly upon withdrawals. We consider withdrawals as a last resort and not a means of solving conflicts, temporary disinterest, or scheduling issues.
b. Registration contracts run the full academic semester, are non-refundable, and cannot be stopped due to disinterest, conflicts with other activities, transportation issues, or for any reason outside of a significant change of address.
c. If a dancer is withdrawing, we require 30 days written notice. Families are responsible for payments due within the 30 day period.
d. Not attending classes does not relieve students and families from their registration agreement.
e. Families may submit a written request with 30 days notice to be relieved of their contract subject to Kender Academy approval.
i. If approved, for families on the monthly tuition plan, there will be no refunds for the month that has already been paid in full; for families on the semester tuition plan a prorated amount will be refunded based on the ‘x’ amount of months already danced/currently in session, with a $10 refund fee subtracted from the prorated amount.
ii. An exit survey must also be submitted.
f. Once all balances are up to date and the exit survey submitted, the family will receive a termination letter and be removed from all our systems including the class roster. Any issues should be brought to staff’s attention with the goal of resolving long before withdrawals are considered or requested.
g. If a student would like to transfer to another school, please note the following rules per CLRG:
i. All pupils, whether transferring from a CLRG registered teacher, or from a teacher in another dancing organization, will undergo a 6-month mandatory restyling period.
ii. If a Bungrad/beginner-level dancer spends 3 months or less in their initial dancing school, then the 6 month restyling period will not apply.
iii. The dancing authority of the region, in which the transferring pupil resides, will be notified in writing of all such transfers.
iv. The 6 month restyling period will commence on the date as determined by the regional dancing authority, who will promptly notify the former and new teacher of the relevant dates, in writing.
v. Teachers and pupils who fail to adhere to the terms set out in the notification of re-styling letter will be sanctioned accordingly.
13. Online Community
a. Facebook:
i. Kender Academy has a Facebook page that shares photos and content with our subscribers in real-time. We often share public announcements, photos, and news targeted at both current and prospective students.
ii. For parents and dancers who would like to submit photos or announcements to the page, Kender Academy asks that you only identify children by their first names.
iii. Make sure you give our page a follow to stay up to date with our School and other events and happenings within the Irish Dance Community!
b. Facebook Group:
i. Kender Academy has a Facebook group that you can join:
ii. This is a place where we will continue to grow our dance family community outside the walls of the dance studio.
iii. This group page will be another place where you can find studio announcements, class updates, holiday & class closures, reminders, and more in addition to our studio emails and DSP Parent Portal.
iv. We encourage our families to connect with and help one another in this Dance Family. This is a great place for our entire dance family to connect and communicate with one another, especially since we don’t always get to see everyone in the studio on dance days.
v. As a dance family we want to be able to celebrate and share each other’s dance accomplishments, birthdays, and exciting news! Feel free to share your dance pictures, videos, questions, supportive messages etc..
vi. Please remember to always be kind, respectful, and to treat others how you would want to be treated. Our community goal is to support and encourage every dancer within our team/family.
c. Instagram:
i. Kender Academy has an Instagram account that shares photos and content with our subscribers. If dancers or families have any photos or videos of their dancer dancing or participating in Kender Academy events, feises, or dancing in general, we would love to share these moments on our school account.
● Please email: with your pictures and videos, and a little blurb about it. Note only first names will be used on all posts.
d. Tik Tok:
i. Kender Academy has a Tik Tok account where we participate in Irish Dance Challenges and promote our performances and special events.
14. Performances
a. Dancers will be invited to participate based on class attendance, positive attitude in the studio, work ethic, and commitment.
b. Mandatory performance attire: Either Prime Dress Designs Black leotard with school skit, black cape, and white poodle socks OR Prime Dress Designs School Team Dress.
i. Please contact Miss Rebecca about scheduled orders from Prime Dress Designs.
15. Photography/Videography
a. Photography and videography of Kender Academy events are encouraged. Please be respectful of all dancers and dance families when capturing their image.
b. Feis choreography videography is prohibited at Feiseanna.
16. Referral Incentives
a. Kender Academy of Irish Dance is happy to offer a Referral Incentives Program. Refer new families to Kender Academy and receive 1 month of tuition free (for one dancer). The rewards are offered per family referred, not per student. Once your refereed family has signed up and paid for three months of tuition, your account will be credited for one month (max 1 dancer’s tuition).
b. To refer a friend, simply pick up a referral card from the studio, fill out your friend's name on the back of the card, date it, and sign your name at the bottom. Don't forget to remind them to bring their card with them to their first class so you can receive the credit!
17. Competitions/Feiseanna
a. Any dancer or dance family who wishes to learn more about competing in local feiseanna, please talk to Miss. Rebecca to let her know you are interested, and she will provide you with more information.
i. It is recommended to attend a local Feis before you enter your first Feis to see what to expect and get a feel for it!
b. Grades: There are six grade levels in competitive Irish Dancing
i. Beginner: A dancer who has only been taking Irish dance lessons for one year or less. Because the "feis year" (Jan-Dec) is different from the "school year" (Sept-June), dancers who began lessons in September may keep Beginner status until December of their second year of lessons. A Beginner must move into the Advanced Beginner category for all dance events the next calendar year.
ii. Advanced Beginner: For all dancers new to competition, regardless of the number of years they have been dancing. An Advanced Beginner who wins 1st, 2nd or 3rd place will advance to the Novice category in that particular dance the next calendar year. It is up to the teacher whether you should move up to the Novice level at the next feis or wait until January 1st of the following year.
iii. Novice: Students that have graded out of Advanced beginner category and are ready to perform more difficult steps in competition. For hard shoe dances (treble jig and hornpipe), Novice competitors are offered a choice of music tempo: “slow”, also known as Oireachtas speed, or “fast”, also known as traditional speed. (Beginner and Advanced Beginner hard shoe tempo is always traditional speed.) A Novice who wins a 1st place will advance to the Prizewinner category in that particular dance.
● *as of Jan 2013 - if there are more than 20 dancers in a Novice Grade competition group, both the 1st place and 2nd place dancers in that group will advance to Prizewinner for that particular dance.
iv. Prizewinner: Students that have graded out of Novice Category. After a student wins 1st place in either of their soft shoe dances, AND 1st place in either of their hard shoe dances - they progress to the Preliminary Championship level.
v. Preliminary Championship: Students that have graded out of Prizewinner. Competitors are typically required to perform a soft shoe dance (reel or slip jig) and a hard shoe dance (treble jig or hornpipe). A feis can also opt to require a contemporary set dance as a third dance, or instead of the treble jig/hornpipe. After a student wins 1st place three times, they progress to the Open Championship level.
vi. Open Championship: This is the highest level of competition. Competitors are required to perform a soft shoe dance (reel or slip jig), a hard shoe dance (treble jig or hornpipe), and a Contemporary set dance.
● Championship Events
a. Mid-Atlantic Regional Oireachtas
i. Held annually in Philadelphia, PA the weekend of Thanksgiving.
● North American National Championships
a. Held annually in various locations across the US and Canada, the week of July 4th.
● World Championships
a. Held annually in various locations throughout the world during the Easter season.
18. Grade Exams
a. From the CLRG website: The purpose of the grade examinations scheme is to provide a structured framework within which dancers can work towards an achievable goal and to provide a strong foundation in Irish dance. Grade examinations are unlike competitions in that each candidate is individually examined and receives a detailed written assessment of their performance and knowledge of the grade being attempted. The scheme consists of an optional preliminary grade, followed by 12 grades with each one becoming increasingly more demanding on the candidates' skill, knowledge, and ability. All 12 grade examinations must be completed to be eligible to apply for the TCRG examination (to become a certified Irish dance teacher) as of January 1st, 2018.
b. Grade exams are NOT competitions. Candidates do NOT wear a competition costume for the examination. Dancers wear black leotard, black skirt, and black tights while being examined. Note: For those families who are still fairly new to Irish dance, please be careful to not confuse Grade Exams with Grade Level Competitions at a feis… they are not the same thing!
c. Grade exams are not just for those dancers competing, but for all dancers. It provides a worthwhile sense of achievement for dancers whether they dance for recreation OR competition.
i. Grade exams are necessary for anyone who wishes to have a career in teaching Irish Dance. It’s recommended that you sit the grade examinations regardless, in case you ever decide later on in life that you wish to sit the TCRG exam.
d. Grade exams must be taken in order, beginning with Grade 1 (the preliminary grade is optional). However, a candidate may only attempt a maximum of 3 consecutive Grades at any one sitting. For each exam sitting, a three month period must elapse before the next grade is attempted.
e. General Grade Exam Rules:
i. Candidates must be associated with a currently registered CLRG teacher.
ii. Grade examiners of choice may be used for Grades 1-6, with a minimum of 2 different examiners to be used through these grades
iii. Grade exams must be examined by at least 4 different examiners for grades 1-10.
iv. Grades 11 and 12:
● must be conducted by S.D.C.R.G. examiners.
● As grades 11 and 12 are both uniquely tied to the T.C.R.G. examination, and graded by an S.D.C.R.G. examiner, briefing and questions/answers will be included to help the candidate understand the requirements and preparation necessary for all parts of the T.C.R.G. examination.
● Candidates must be at least 16 years or older to take grade 11.
● Candidates must be at least 17 years or older to take grade 12.
● A different S.D.C.R.G. examiner must examine each of grades 11 and 12.
● These examiners must be different from the examiners who assessed any grade between grades 7-10.
● The results of grades 11 and 12 are not given to the candidates until they have been ratified by An tUdarás Scrúdaithe.
● The candidates will receive diplomas signed by both the examiner and chairperson of An tÚdaras Scrúdaithe for grades 11 and 12. The chairperson of An Coimisiún will also sign the grade 12 diploma.
v. Each grade must be passed before a candidate may attempt the next grade
vi. Candidates must produce previous grade exam reports before proceeding to take the next grade. Reports must be presented at the examinations.
vii. A certificate is awarded for each grade.
viii. 40 bars of music must be danced for all Reels, Single or Hop Jigs, Light Jigs, Slip Jigs, Heavy Jigs and Hornpipes.
ix. All modern set dances in grades 9-12 must not be repeated in any of these grades.
x. Dancers are permitted to retake any grade for a better score upon submission of a specific written request to the Udarás Scrúdaithe, with the understanding that the second result would replace the earlier one and that the dancer would be required to pay the usual fee for the grade being taken.
f. Please refer to the CLRG website for the complete details of current Rules & Regulations –
i. Refer to the syllabus to see each Grade level and its required dances.
g. How to take the Grade Exams
i. Grades exams are offered by local Irish dance schools and organizations, either during feises or independently. Contact Ms. Rebecca for an up-to-date list of upcoming Grade offerings.
● Dancers can use the “Find an Exam” interactive search on the IDTANA’s website:
ii. Before registering for a Grade Exam, find out who the examiner is, and be sure to register for exams overseen by the required variety of examiners.
iii. Each dancer is responsible for her/his own paperwork and planning for Grade Exams. Read the details and keep your paperwork in order.
iv. Kender Academy dancers, please tell Ms. Rebecca if you plan to take Grade Exams!