WITHDRAWAL(S):The studio requires 1 month's notice for withdrawal from classes. If you wish to withdraw your student(s), we will need to have it in a form of writing via email or handwritten note stating that you wish to withdraw your child. If we do not receive it in a form of writing we will continue to run your EFT, send invoices, etc. We will stop the running of EFTs and invoices once we have received your withdrawal in writing. If you drop classes, your registration fee and reservation for class is forfeited and you will have to re-register when registration is OPEN ($45.00). Only exception is illness or injury from the time you were absent with a Doctor’s excuse. Doctor’s excuse must be properly dated from the date of illness or injury and throughout the healing process to receive entry back into class.
REFUND(S) :. NO REFUNDS or EXCHANGES on any payments made to the studio including full year payments! This includes any CREDIT left in your account. There is also NO TRANSFERRING of credit to another account of any kind
Once a payment for anything has been made to the studio, it is non-refundable and it will not be credited for any reason no matter when the order is due or is placed. This includes but is not limited to registration fees, tuition, shoes, costumes, logo wear, accessories, workshops, dance camps etc.
There will be no refunds made if your child misses a class; however they may make up the class (staff or your child's teacher will assist in scheduling). If we cancel a class due to teacher illness, we will arrange a make-up time. All make-up classes must be taken no later than May 1st. There are 3 weather/emergency closings built into the dance year. After the 3rd emergency closing we will schedule a make up class for the entire class.
In the event of an extended closure, we will make the automatic switch to virtual classes. There will be no discount or refund for these classes. In order to stay an active student, you must participate in virtual lessons and keep your tuition up to date.
CONFERENCES: If at any time you have questions or wish to talk with any of us regarding your child please call the studio or email us at info@northeasternballet.org. We will be happy to talk with you. Our classes run back-to-back; therefore, teachers are not available for discussion during class or between classes.