The primary role of Marlborough Academy of Dance dancers, is to promote a healthy competitive dance environment whilst maintaining opportunities for all dancers to participate in. We do this by encouraging an appreciation for teamwork, discipline, respect, fitness, and self-worth.
Dancing in a crew or individually requires everyone (dancers, teachers, parents, volunteers) to focus on the preparation of a competition, exam, or event and to also ensure that your conduct does not inhibit the performance and enjoyment for yourself or others or bring MAD into disrepute.
This Code of Conduct applies to all MAD dancers and outlines their rights and responsibilities.
As a dancer of MAD I understand that my responsibilities include.
• I must learn and know my dance class times.
• I will inform my teacher in advance of missing a dance class.
• I will arrive and be fully prepared for dance at least 5 minutes prior to the given time.
• I understand that failure to consistently attend dance class not only affects my performance but also the entire crew and my selection into further crews.
• I will respect and listen to my teacher, while at dance class and competitions.
• My physical appearance and attitude are representative of myself and MAD. I will represent myself in a respectful manner.
• The possession or consumption of alcohol when representing MAD is always strictly prohibited for all dancers.
• The possession or use of illegal drugs, tobacco, vapes is always strictly prohibited.
• Media within my possession (movies, printed material, and music) should reflect well on the MAD and myself.
• I will use my best judgement when using social media and all public posts should reflect well on MAD and myself.
• My behaviour at dance class, competitions or events must be conducted with personal and team safety in mind.
• I understand that MAD has zero tolerance to bullying, including via social media and digital communication and I will abide by this rule.
• I acknowledge I may be required to contribute to / fully replace any equipment or item I cause deliberate damage to.
• Dancing in a crew means you are part of a team, and I am not more important than the team.
• Training for a competition has physical and mental preparation. Therefore, to perform to my best on day I need to put in my best efforts at training.
• Crew selections are made by MAD teachers in the interests of the whole crew, and they may not always be consistent with my own personal interests.
• The MAD teacher’s professional observation of attitude, athleticism, compatibility, and effort will be among their first consideration in selecting crews. Objective measures such as auditions and workshops may also be used to select crews. I will accept their decisions on crew selection.
Dancers travelling with MAD represent themselves, MAD, and their whanau.
MAD dancers are representing MAD and will abide by the following responsibilities. These apply from the point of departure until returning home.
• Agree to abide the Code of Conduct – DANCERS.
• Will abide by the decisions of the Teachers, Competition Management and Parent help.
• Will always wear the MAD uniform with pride and will always wear the uniform of the day as directed by your teacher.
• Will always display excellent manners and responsible behaviour. You will always be courteous and show respect (thanking drivers, Teachers, Competition Management and Parents). You will be polite to staff and other guests at accommodation and be respectful.
• The possession or use of illegal drugs, tobacco, vapes, is strictly prohibited.
• Will always support, encourage, and look after every other.
• Will demonstrate accommodation etiquette of the highest calibre, cleaning and tidying up after yourself.
• Will respect the needs of other Dancers for rest and/or study time.
• Will not leave the accommodation without having gained express permission from Teachers or Parent help and will return prior to the agreed time.
• Will take responsibility to report any behaviour that does not adhere to the Code of Conduct to your teacher or parent help.
• Will understand that in the case of any misbehaviour a decision as to the consequences for that behaviour will be made by Fleur Hebberd or Robyn Simmons.