-I am over 18 [or] I am the parent/guardian of the registrant [or] I am an Ekklesia Company Dancer. -Ekklesia School: I understand that Auto-pay registration is required for 8-payment plans only. If I wish to pay for the full year or for the full semester, I will contact the ESB office to register. -I acknowledge and agree to the following Add-Drop Policy: Once classes, workshops and intensives have begun, tuition is not refundable. Students who miss class or withdraw before the end of the semester are still obligated for the full tuition without exception unless the class is canceled. Students are eligible for a prorated tuition refund only if they withdraw from classes due to prolonged illness or severe injury, verified by a doctor’s certificate.
I hereby consent to participation in Ekklesia School of Ballet programs. I am aware that all forms of dance and the rigorous exercises associated with it place unusual stresses on the body and carry with them the possible risk of physical injury. I assume this risk and agree that Ekklesia School of Ballet, its staff, and its related entities, agents, employees, officers and representatives are free from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, and judgments which the undersigned, or any other person ever had or may have against Ekklesia School of Ballet for any losses, costs and expenses (including Attorney's fees) and damages or injuries known or unknown, real or personal, sustained by me or my shield while in attendance and/or participating in all Ekklesia School of Ballet programs.