insert gen liability waiver here:)
I understand that DCS provides several communication methods and it is my responsibility to help my dancer be successful by staying up to date on studio events. I understand there is email, Remind text and Facebook groups and that email is the primary source of communication and I will make every effort to stay informed of studio events and activities.
Ballet dancers in Combo 2 and up are invited to participate in our annual holiday production. Costs include a $40.00 performance fee. Extra costs include performance tickets, t-shirts, DVDs and flowers (optional). I understand there will be additional rehearsals needed for Nutcracker. Any withdrawals after November 15th are subject to a re-choreography fee.
I, the undersigned, recognize and understand the risks of physical injury inherent to dance training and performance and I fully assume those risks on behalf of the student named above. I hereby release Dancentre South, Inc. and their officers, agents and employees from all liability for injuries sustained by my child while attending or participating in Dancentre South, Inc. classes, functions and performances. I hereby release Dancentre South, Inc. and their officers, agents and employees from all liability for loss or damage to my personal property or my child's while attending or participating in Dancentre South classes, functions and performances. In case of severe illness, injury or medical emergency and in the event I am unable to be reached, I hereby authorize Dancentre South, Inc. staff to make necessary arrangements to transport my child to a medical treatment facility as necessary. All such transportation and medical treatment will be at my sole cost and expense.
I assume all financial responsibility for this student and understand no refunds are given with withdrawal. I understand that if I withdraw my student after making my recital costume deposit I am responsible for paying the balance of costume fees owed and I can pick up my costume(s) at the studio once they arrive. No refunds will be given for costumes ordered prior to withdrawal. No recital costume refunds after December 15th. I understand no refunds are granted for missed classes, tuition is due by the 25th of each month for the following month and a $20.00 late fee will be charged on the 1st. I am aware that tuition is due by the 25th whether or not the studio is open for business, as I have options to pay before the 25th, mail in my tuition or allow my tuition to be run on auto-debit. I agree to have a card on file for auto-pay if tuition is not received by the 1st. I understand in addition to monthly tuition, extra costs throughout the year will be: $90.00 per recital costume in the fall and will follow costume charge schedule. $50.00 recital participation fee per dancer in the spring (cost subject to change). Optional costs are recital t-shirts, DVDs, flowers and performance tickets.
I understand that in case of withdrawal during regular season classes, one month's tuition will be due at time of withdrawal and the proper withdrawal form submitted. I understand that recital costumes are not refundable after December 15th.