- I UNDERSTAND and AGREE that dance classes can involve risk of personal injury. While ANDERSON DANCE COMPANY (ADC) takes all responsible care in the conduct of its classes, rehearsals, workshops & performances, I AGREE it accepts no responsibility for personal injury, property damage, or loss caused while participating in online classes. -I AGREE that I am responsible for ensuring that my child/children are physically and medically fit for the class and during the class and must at all times take care of their own personal safety and belongings. - I GIVE CONSENT for my child to be photographed and/or filmed by ANDERSON DANCE COMPANY (ADC) during classes and at events throughout the year. - I ACKNOWLEDGE & CONSENT to allow ADC to use photos and/or videos of my child/myself in publications, advertisements, our studio’s website, or on social media sites (such as the studio’s Facebook or Instagram account). I understand that in some cases, my child and/or my name may be used. I further understand no financial compensation will be given for use of these photos/videos. - I understand that in the event of a COVID lockdown, classes will be moved online and no refund will be given for those not participating online.