I acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and that our public health authority recommends practicing social distancing. I acknowledge that Ballet Kelowna has put in place measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19. I further acknowledge that Ballet Kelowna cannot guarantee that I will not become exposed to and/or infected with COVID-19. By attending IN MOTION classes, I acknowledge that I may be increasing my risk of exposure to COVID-19. By signing this form, I agree to release and hold harmless Ballet Kelowna, its employees, agents, assigns and heirs from any and all causes of action related to COVID 19.
I grant permission that Ballet Kelowna's IN MOTION Program staff may authorize necessary medical treatment, in an emergency, by a licensed physician, for me without personal liability, if I am unable to do so myself. This authorization shall be valid for the full duration of the student's enrollment in Ballet Kelowna's IN MOTION Program.
I understand that participating in Ballet Kelowna’s IN MOTION dance classes involves risk of personal injury. In consideration for being accepted as participant in Ballet Kelowna’s IN MOTION dance classes, I agree to release Ballet Kelowna, its employees, agents, assigns and heirs from any claims for loss, damage, accident or expense arising from my attendance at Ballet Kelowna and participation in IN MOTION classes. I further agree to indemnify Ballet Kelowna for any obligations or liabilities that I may personally incur, and for any liabilities, damage or injury to the person or property of others that I may cause while participating in Ballet Kelowna’s IN MOTION program.