2024/25 Policies and Procedures
By enrolling in CDT programs, you agree to the following:
_____Registration & Deposits: For September-June classes a non-refundable fee of $30 per student or $45 per family is required per season at the
time of registration. Arabesque Academy has a $100 registration fee. Deposits are used for specific programs such as the spotlight theater company,
day camps, & intensives. Deposits secure your child’s spot in that date specific program and are non-refundable should you later choose to
withdraw. The deposit amount is deducted from the overall balance due for that program.
_____Payment of Tuition & Fees: Tuition is due by the 1
st or the 15th of the month, by automatic payment with a debit card or credit card or ACH.
All payment types on file will be processed on the 1
st or the 15th day of the month from September- June. Any payment received after the 5- day
grace period is subject to a $10 late fee. Any check returned for NSF reasons is subject to a $30 NSF fee. We cannot accept and hold a check. Once
payment is processed, all tuition is non-refundable, and accounts will not be given credit or transfers. Monthly tuition prices are developed by
dividing the annual amount into 10 equal payments. That way, you pay the same amount each month regardless of the number of classes in a
month. All planned closures are factored into your tuition and will not change your payments.
_____Annual Payments: There is a 10% discount for anyone wishing to make an annual payment for their tuition to any of our 10-month
programs. That is the Arabesque Academy, the Children's, School, or Conservatory Divisions. Annual payment arrangements & payments must be
made by the end of September to receive the discount. Annual payments are non-refundable. If you choose to withdraw, all tuition prepaid is
_____Programs and Placement: Our studio provides different programs that cater to each family’s dance needs including Arabesque Academy
Preschool, Children’s Division, School Division, and the Conservatory dance programs. We also have a variety of specialized programs like the
sampler series, day camps, and the Spotlight Theater Company which are date specific. Families can register for our Children’s Division and School
Division anytime between September and February. Dancers enter our Conservatory Program through an invitation or audition. Registration for the
Conservatory closes at the end of September.
_____Uniforms, Costumes and Participation Fees: To participate in our program each participant is required to abide by the uniform dress code for
their level. Please purchase these items prior to your first class. We are happy to exchange or refund uniform dress code items that are
unsatisfactory within 15 days of the initial purchase. For sanitary reasons, all sales on tights are final. Costume fees for the June recital will be billed
with your monthly tuition. This $13.00 monthly charge covers your costume, tights, and state sales tax. Every student will receive a costume
regardless of whether they participate in the recital. If you drop from classes before May 1
, you have two options: 1) To pay the remaining balance
of the costume and have the costume available for pick-up or shipped to you. 2) Forfeit the money you have paid towards the costume.
Participation and costume fees are non-refundable, non-returnable. Sales tax will be applied whenever applicable. If you are enrolling after
September, a $13 per month from September to the current month will be due for past costume fees. Spotlight Theater company participants must
wear loose comfortable clothes they can move in. Costumes are provided by the participant per the director’s directions. Dance shoes may be
required. Art Club participants should wear clothes that are okay to get paint on. The paint is acrylic and will stain clothing. Participants may provide
their own apron if they wish.
_____Withdrawal and Refunds: We require 30 days’ notice to discontinue any classes. Withdrawals must be done by completing our digital
withdrawal form or in person by signing a physical copy of the form. A statement that you would like to discontinue classes given over the phone or
email will not be accepted. The only exception is if we are unable to hold classes for whatever reason. Withdrawals must be done at the reception
desk, not with a teacher. All automatic payments will stop after the 30-day notice period. Non-Attendance does NOT constitute withdrawal notice or
adequate reason for not paying tuition. Once classes begin, tuition is non-refundable or transferable and credits are not issued. We reserve the right
to terminate lessons for any student. In such a case, refunds are at the director’s discretion. To withdraw from a class, you must:
1. Request the withdrawal form, there is a hardcopy or digital version.
2. Complete and sign a withdrawal form provided by the school office. We cannot accept a withdrawal form if there is a balance due.
3. Inform the studio how you would like to handle your costume charges (a. forfeit the money you have paid to the point of your withdrawal
or b. pay the remaining amount and have the costume shipped to you.)
4. If you withdraw after April 30th
, you do not have an option to forfeit costume fees paid. All costume fees must be paid with final
payment and your costume will be available for pick-up.
5. If you select an annual payment option: Annual payments are non-refundable. If you choose to withdraw all tuition prepaid is
forfeited. For Theater sessions: The theater classes are paid in full before the session begins and all tuition is non-refundable,
transferable and credits are not issued. While you are not required to attend, refunds or credits will not be given for any reason.
_____Parent’s Responsibility to be Aware of Dates and Events: It is the responsibility of the parent or adult student to be aware of all school
activities, such as viewing days, recitals, extra classes, and dates the school is open or closed. The parents will give the school their email address to
email all such notices home. Information will also be posted on the bulletin board and text messages may be sent. It is the parent’s responsibility
to regularly check their email and these boards to ensure they are informed. It is the responsibility of the parents or adult students to inform the
studio of any email, address, or phone number changes.
_____Extreme Weather or Unexpected Interruption of Classes: If the school must cancel classes due to extreme weather or events beyond our
control, classes will be canceled. Refunds are not given. Each location will follow their local School District snow closure decisions. We reserve the
right to transfer from in- person classes to virtual classes on zoom if needed due to government regulations and/or safety protocols. Clients may be
asked to meet at their usual times or combine classes at a different day/time of the week, depending on the situation. In person classes are our
preference, and if extended online classes become necessary the same withdrawal policies need to be followed.
_____Substitutions: The studio reserves the right to provide a substitute teacher or class option if the regularly scheduled teacher is ill or
otherwise unable to teach classes. If a teacher is ill and the studio cannot arrange a substitute any missed class may be canceled, and your
account will be credited the appropriate amount.
_____Group Class Attendance and Lateness: Our policy is “better late than never.” However, the school reserves the right to have students who
come more than 15 minutes late to sit out of the class. Please use common sense about sickness and colds, if you need to miss class, please call the
office, and excuse your dancer. You may make up the absence in a similarly level class within 30 days of the same season.
_____Private Lessons and Make-up Lessons: Private lessons are available for booking inside the parent portal. Schedule priority is given to dancers
entering competitions. Dancers wishing to work on specific skills IN ADDITION to their group classes are encouraged to book. Payment of $35 per
30-minute lesson is due at the time of booking. In the event you need to miss a private lesson, CDT must receive 24 hours’ notice (during business
hours) to alert the instructor. In cases where we have received adequate notice, we can arrange for a make-up lesson per YOUR instructor’s and
room availability. You must have instructor permission to switch instructors and it must be during a time that they are already on location. No
refunds are given for missed lessons. Non-Attendance does NOT constitute withdrawal notice or adequate reason for not paying tuition. Once
payment is processed, tuition is non-refundable or transferable and credits are not issued. If you are late to your private lesson, you will receive the
remainder of the lesson time. No exceptions.
_____Observation: Parents are always welcome to watch class through our viewing windows or monitors in the lobby. Please refrain from
distracting your child. At no time is a parent allowed to interrupt a class. Should you need to leave class early, make arrangements with the
instructor ahead of time or ask the receptionist to remove your child from the studio. There are scheduled observation days throughout the year
when parents are invited into the studio to watch. During an observation day: please make sure that all small children are not disruptive, please
save side conversations for outside the studio, so that class operates smoothly. Feel free to take photos and videos of your dancer; however, please
remain in your seat so class is not disrupted. Please silence your cellular phone.
_____Behavior and Discipline: Students are expected to be always on their best behavior. Dancers must treat all staff, faculty and peers with
respect and have a positive attitude. We use positive reinforcement to help prevent behavior problems. Combination classes receive stamps as an
incentive for good behavior. Older kids are encouraged, and given individual attention, to help prevent frustration and other unwanted behaviors.
All adults, including parents and staff are expected to treat each other with respect and always maintain civil discussions.
_____Care of Students: The studio is not responsible for providing before or after class care for students. If you choose to drop off your dancer,
please pick up your child promptly after class. Older students may arrive early to stretch and prepare for class; however, they must always behave
appropriately in the lobby and will NOT be directly supervised. If you choose to drop off early, you do so at your own risk. The parents are also
responsible for making sure their student makes it upstairs to the studio (Auburn.) The studio cannot be responsible for the safety of dancers
outside the studio doors. Parents of young dancers are asked to escort their dancer into the studio and get them settled and ready for class.
_____Injuries and sickness: Parents and/or legal guardians of minor students waive the right to any legal action for any injury sustained on
studio property or off-site location resulting from normal dance activity or any other activity conducted by the students before, during or after
class time and performances. Dancers are encouraged to advocate for the body and speak with instructors if they are having something more
than “training” pain. Injured dancers may sit with teacher permission but are expected to take notes and pay attention to choreography.
Parents are encouraged to send notes to teachers about aches and pains and what might need modifications. In the event that injuries become
prolonged, CDT may require a medical release or “back to play” plan. Tuition will continue to be charged until we receive information from the
doctor. CDT will work case by case with families on how to handle tuition and fees in these situations.
_____Photo Release & Privacy statement: The studio is hereby granted permission to take photographs or video of the students to use in
brochures, websites, posters, advertisements, or other promotional materials the studio creates. Permission is also hereby granted for the studio
to copyright such photographs in its name. Student names are not printed and if you are not comfortable with this then we cannot let you
register. Thank you for your understanding. Children’s Dance Theater does not share or sell any of our client or instructor information. Please do
not use Staff or Teacher's personal social media to contact them. Use the studio page or email.
Guardian's Signature: _____________________________________________________________ Date: __________
Guardian’s Name: _______________________________________________________________________________
Student(s) Name: ________________________________________________________________________________