Cache Learning Center FEES: 1. $20/family/year enrollment fee. Must be paid BEFORE you can enroll in any CLC classes. This fee covers insurance for CLC participants and teachers. (If you enrolled last semester but did not attend any classes, you must still pay this fee, but a $10 credit will be added to your account.) 2. Cooking and Sewing (NOT AT THE CLC) ALSO have additional "class registration fees" which cover supplies and will be due before your registration in those classes can be complete. 3. Other supply fees (noted with the class info on the website) will be due for the Fall Semester on Sept 1. If you register AFTER Sept 1, these will be due before your enrollment in these classes can be completed. Ballet Aligned Parents: Costume fees for our performances are $25/student for the year 2023-24 and will be added to your balance on or before Sept 15. IF you enroll in a class which rehearses its performance roles IN ADDITION to class time (Foundations Prep, Foundations I&II, and Performance Classes), this added time is automatically added into your class tuition. If your dancer will not perform, he/she will have different class end times and you may request a refund of the rehearsal portion of class tuition. Details on totals and class times are noted in class descriptions.