BRING A FRIEND TO DANCE WEEK: Dancers will be able to bring a friend with them to class during certain assigned weeks - dates to be determined.
CANCELLATION POLICY:. If a student drops a class mid-year, tuition will be required to be paid until the studio receives notice via email. In order to not be charged the upcoming payment, we need to be notified by the 15th of the month by email. No exceptions
CLASS CHANGES OR CANCELLATIONS: Class changes or cancellations may be made based on enrollment. If a class must be canceled, those affected students will then be placed into another class which best suits their level of experience at the discretion of the director.
CLASS LEVELS AND PLACEMENT: Students are continually evaluated during the year, and in particular the first month of classes is used for review and assessment to make sure that each student is properly placed. LDC wants to make sure that each student is able to keep progressing and meeting the specific goals for the year. At the end of the year, all LDC students will be evaluated in May for their class placement for the next year. The director of LDC reserves the right to place or move students to a different class thani they originally registered for, based on technical ability.
CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS: Students are expected to arrive to class on time, having used the bathroom before class, with their hair up and in the appropriate dress code for class.
CLASSROOM OBSERVATION: Legacy Dance classes are closed to weekly observation (except for Move with Me classes). This allows dancers to learn in a comfortable environment where they are able to let their guard down and absorb the materials being presented by their instructors. We will have several occasions each year when parents/guardians may be invited into the classroom to observe a demonstration of what their dancers are learning. We would like to remind you that performing in front of a crowd is intimidating for some children while others revel in the experience.
CLOSINGS: We will follow the New Fairfield Public School closings for weather-related and emergency closings. If schools are delayed, morning classes are canceled.
COMMUNICATION: For the fastest answer to any questions you may have, please contact me via email at All e-mails will be answered within 48 hours.
COSTUME POLICY: A costume will be purchased for each routine a student participates in. Costume bills will be sent out on October 15th and must be paid by November 25th or they will be charged with your December Tuition. ALL COSTUME MONEY IS NON-REFUNDABLE (FOR ANY REASON) DUE TO COSTUME COMPANIES NOT ALLOWING FOR ANY RETURNS.
DRESS CODE: We want to ensure that our dancers are comfortable in what they wear to class. In general, form-fitting clothing best allows us to assist you in being the best dancer you can be, and we want to provide you with the best possible instruction. For all classes, hair must be up out of the dancer's face. Required dancewear and dance shoes must be worn to all classes and must be in good condition. Students are not permitted to wear street shoes to any dance class, including hip hop classes. For safety reasons , dancers must remove all jewelry before participating in classes. Please view our website for specific dress requirements.
FREE TRIAL CLASSES AND PLACEMENT EVALUATIONS: We welcome new students to come take a facility tour, as well as a free trial class for placement evaluation.
HARASSMENT POLICY: Legacy Dance Center will not tolerate any unlawful harassment of students, faculty, or employees. Such prohibited harassment includes verbal, written or physical conduct for any reason in addition to that which is based upon an individual’s race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age or disability. Anyone participating in any such behavior may result in dismissal from the studio.
INJURY POLICY AND PROTOCOL: Any student with a medical issue or injury that lasts over 1 week must report it in writing to LDC. If the injury lasts more than 2 weeks, the student must present LDC with a doctor's note giving the student permission to return to class.
MAKEUP CLASSES: Makeup classes are only offered if classes must be canceled due to faculty illness or conflicts.
PARENT OBSERVATION WEEKS: “Parent Observation” weeks will be held twice a year, dates to be announced.
PRIVATE LESSONS: Private Lessons are available and can be signed up for by using the online portal. Rates may vary based on the style of dance and the length of a lesson.
REGISTRATION: Registration will be done in the online parent portal. Fees are due upon registration and are non-refundable. The fee will be $30 per child. The family max will be $60.
RECITAL: Recital participation is optional but Miss Megan must be notified in writing before October 15th when the recital costumes will be ordered if your child(ren) will not be participating. There will be a recital fee of $110 for each student charged on. The recital fee will include one pair of tights, a recital t-shirt, a digital copy of the recital video which you can download, professional photos taken at the recital, the recital medal and additional rehearsal day at the recital location.
SOCIAL MEDIA USE: By registering and attending class at Legacy Dance Center, dancers and their responsible parent(s)/guardian(s) agree to possible use of images and video from classes and/or performances on Legacy Dance Center’s social media and for advertising.
STUDIO ETIQUETTE: Proper courtesy and respect for all dancers is expected. No cell phones, food or beverages aside from water are allowed in any of the studios. No street shoes are allowed in any of the dance studios. A lounge area and a homework area are provided for students (in middle school and up) to do homework, eat, or relax before or after classes. Everyone is expected to clean up after themselves. Dressing rooms are available to store belongings during class. We would like the lobby to remain as neat as possible. Lost and Found items will be kept for a month and then donated to a local charity.
TARDINESS & ABSENCES: If your student is going to be absent, please log in to the parent portal, click attendance, select report attendance and then select the child that will be absent .
TUITION POLICY: When registering an online account, a credit card will be required and auto pay will be set up. Tuition is due on the 25th of the month prior, except for the month of September which it is due upon registration. For example, October’s tuition is due by September 25th. If you would like to pay with cash or by check, you must do so before the 25th of the month. If your credit cannot be processed or payment is not made due date, a $10 late fee will be added to the account. Statements are only sent to delinquent accounts.
Tuition is based on a ten month season broken down for your convenience and paid once a month. Each month will have a different number of classes but regardless of the number of classes, tuition is due for September through June. Tuition is non-refundable. There will be discounts available for dancers taking multiple classes and families with multiple dancers. Only classes that are 45 minutes and 1 hour in length are eligible for discounts, ½ hour classes are not included. If you are interested in annual tuition prepayment, there will also be a discount. Please email for any questions about the tuition policy.