I, the undersigned, understand and agree that I shall not hold Horizons Dance Conservatory, its staff, and/or volunteers responsible in any way for any injury or accident which might occur during classes or any function of said Horizons Dance Conservatory. I assume all responsibility for any damages my child may cause on the Horizons Dance Conservatory premises. The above statements also apply if I, the undersigned, am on the premises of Horizons Dance Conservatory. I understand that all tuitions are due no later than the first of each month and payments are expected regardless of student attendance (students cannot skip months). Make-up classes are available for missed classes. If dropping classes after October 31st, I understand I am required to pay half of the remaining tuition for the entire season upon leaving. I have read and understand all the policies of Horizons Dance Conservatory and understand that they must be followed in order to participate in any of Horizons Dance Conservatory's programs.