Table of contents
1. Introduction
2. Equal Opportunities Policy
3. Health & Safety Policy
4. Training
5. Business expenses
6. Attendance and timekeeping
7. Appearance
8. Alcohol
9. Smoking
10. Use of email and the internet
11. Use of telephones and other facilities
12. Acceptance of gifts
13. Data Protection Policy
14. Whistleblowing Policy
15. Disciplinary Rules and Procedure
16. Code of conduct
17. Standards of good practice
18. Charters
19. Child protection policy
20. Data protection consent
21. Personal Details
22. Declarations
1. Introduction
This Staff Handbook provides you with a summary of the policies and procedures that operate in the Company. It should be read in conjunction with your contract of employment, as both documents form part of your terms and conditions of employment.
To respond to the changing needs of the Company as well as changes in legislation, the policies and procedures may need to be amended from time to time and when this occurs you will be informed of these changes.
If you have any questions about this Staff Handbook please contact the director.
2. Equal Opportunities Policy
The Company’s aim is to ensure that all of its employees and job applicants are treated equally irrespective of disability, race, colour, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, age, sex, sexual orientation or marital status. The Company shall appoint, train, develop and promote on the basis of merit and ability.
All employees have a duty both morally and legally not to discriminate against individuals. This means that there shall be no discrimination on account of disability, race, colour, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, age, sex, sexual orientation or marital status. Employees have personal responsibility for the practical application of the Company’s Equal Opportunities Policy which extends to the treatment of members of the public and employees.
Managers and supervisors who are involved in the recruitment, selection, promotion and training of employees have special responsibility for the practical application of the Company’s Equal Opportunities Policy.
The grievance procedure is available to any employee who believes that he or she may have been unfairly discriminated against.
Disciplinary action under the disciplinary procedure shall be taken against any employee who is found to have committed an act of unlawful discrimination. Discriminatory conduct and sexual or racial harassment shall be regarded as gross misconduct.
If there is any doubt about appropriate treatment under the Company’s Equal Opportunities Policy, employees should consult their manager.
3. Health & Safety Policy
The Company recognises that it is responsible for ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of its employees. The Company believes that pro-active management health and safety issues are an integral part of its obligations to its employees and to the wider community. This policy statement sets out in broad terms the legal responsibilities owed by the Company and by employees in relation to health and safety issues. It will only be possible for the Company to comply with these legal obligations if both its employees and any self-employed third parties on the Company’s premises understand that they are under a duty to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and any of their colleagues who may be affected by their acts or omissions and that they are required to cooperate with the Company to enable the Company to perform its obligations.
4. Training
The Company is committed to the continuous development of all its employees. It is vital that employees possess the skills and knowledge to enable them to perform their duties effectively. Any needs should be discussed with the director on a regular basis. The Company may in its absolute discretion provide financial assistance for external training courses which have relevance to the employee’s current or likely future duties with the Company.
5. Business expenses
Employees will be reimbursed for fair and reasonable expenses that are incurred while conducting business on behalf of the Company, other than in the normal terms of business. Such reimbursement will be made by the Company upon submission of an expense report approved by the employee’s manager. Abuse of this right to claim expenses are considered to be gross misconduct which may result in dismissal.
6. Attendance and timekeeping
Employees are expected to attend work punctually at the hours defined in their contract of employment. Employees must receive prior approval from the director to leave the Company premises during working hours except during lunch breaks. This will enable the Company to ensure that employees can be located in the event of an emergency.
7. Appearance
Employees are expected to maintain a standard of personal hygiene, appearance and dress appropriate to their job.
8. Alcohol
The consumption of alcohol is not allowed on Company premises at any time, except where authorised by the employee’s manager. No employee should report to work whilst under the influence of alcohol. Breach of this policy may amount to gross misconduct which may result in dismissal.
9. Smoking
Smoking on Company premises is prohibited. Employees who do not comply with the no smoking policy will be subject to disciplinary action.
10. Use of email and the internet
Employees are encouraged to use email and the internet at work as a fast and reliable method of communication with significant advantages for business. However, employees need to be careful not to expose both themselves and the Company to certain risks and offences and that the misuse of these facilities can cause.
Using Email
Employees must not send any information that the Company considers to be confidential or sensitive over the email.
The email facility is provided for business purposes only.
Using the internet
Employees must not use the internet to gain unauthorised access or attempt to gain unauthorised access to computer material or private databases.
Employees must not use the internet for personal purposes whether during work hours or otherwise. Internet access is available purely for business use and it should be used for work related purposes only. Staff are reminded of the risk of computer virus.
Employees must not attempt to download or retrieve illegal, pornographic, liable, sexist, racist, offensive or unlawful material. Attempts to access such material will constitute a disciplinary offence and, in addition to access to the internet being withdrawn, the member of staff may be subject to disciplinary action which may result in dismissal.
• Information on the internet may not have been placed there with the owner’s permission. Therefore employees must obtain the permission of the copyright owner before transmitting, copying or downloading such information. Where the copyright owner’s consent has clearly been given, employees must comply with any terms and conditions stipulated concerning the downloading of such information.
• Information may contain viruses and therefore should not be downloaded from the internet without first obtaining the approval and/or instructions of the director concerning the downloading of such information which must be followed. Employees should only download such information that is required for a business purpose. The downloading of information of whatever nature for personal purposes is not permitted.
Tanwood’s Social Media Policy refers to all social networking sites, video/photo sharing sites, blogs, micro-blogs, wikis, podcasts, forums, instant messaging and geo-spatial tagging (for example, Facebook check-ins).
- Please remember that your anonymity on Social Media is never guaranteed and to exercise particular caution when posts, images or videos identify children in your care.
- Remain mindful that your behaviour on Social Media remains in keeping with Tanwood’s code of conduct.
- Any comments or posts perceived to be obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, discriminatory or hateful towards Tanwood staff, students or families may subject the owner to disciplinary or legal action.
- Should you wish to engage on Social Media while identifying as a studio volunteer or employee, you may only do so with integrity, respect, and adhere to privacy and confidentiality policy.
- Any content revealing or referring to sensitive studio information is not allowed to be shared online.
- Intellectual property laws (for example, costume design and choreography) must be observed by all studio patrons when posting online.
- While affiliated with our studio, we will not tolerate any posts that are racially, sexually, physically or religiously offensive.
- All matters pertaining directly to the studio - whether it be fees, scheduling, placements or performance opportunities - may not be communicated via Social Media. We have an open door policy and encourage all communication, complaints and feedback to be communicated to the principal directly.
- We discourage parents / students and teachers from becoming ‘friends’ or ‘followers’ on Social Media, unless there is an existing relationship. We consider all studio members to be family and as such feel the obligation to respect and monitor personal boundaries.
- Families found to be engaging in ‘hidden’ or ‘private’ groups formed for the specific purpose of discussing studio matters will be encouraged to join our closed Facebook group for public discussion and warned against discussing Studio matters in their private online groups.
- Photos or Videos taken from performances or rehearsals may NOT be posted online.
- You may not post photographs / videos that feature Tanwood pupils other than your own online without the proven consent of their parent/guardian.
- Identifying information of any featured minors - including names, ages or location - must be removed when posting on Social Media.
11. Use of telephones and other facilities
The Company’s telephones, mail, faxes and photocopying facilities are provided for business purposes only. Employees must limit personal usage to emergencies only.
12. Acceptance of gifts
Employees must not accept directly or indirectly any payment or any other benefit or thing of value of more than nominal value from any supplier or customer or from anyone else with any actual or perspective business relationship with the Company.
Friendships may develop between customers and employees. However, any relationship between a customer and an employee which is likely to jeopardise business relations in the Company is not acceptable. Employees must use their common sense to avoid any actual relationships.
13. Data Protection Policy
Employees may be required to give certain information relating to themselves in order that the Company may properly carry out its duties, rights and obligations as the employer. The Company will process and control such data principally for personnel, administrative and payroll purposes.
The term ‘processing’ may include the Company obtaining, recording or holding the information or data or carrying out any set of operation or operations on the information or data, including organising, altering, retrieving, consulting, using, disclosing, or destroying the information or data. The Company will adopt appropriate technical and organisational measures to prevent the unauthorised or unlawful processing or disclosure of data.
Employees are requested to sign the attached consent form giving consent to the Company to process data relating to them which may include sensitive data.
14. Whistleblowing Policy
Employees may, in properly carrying out their duties, have access to, or come into contact with information of a confidential nature. Their terms and conditions provide that except in the proper performance of their duties, employees are forbidden from disclosing or making use of in any form whatsoever such confidential information. However, the law allows employees to make a ‘protected disclosure’ of certain information. In order to be ‘protected’, a disclosure must relate to a specific subject matter (listed below) and the disclosure must also be made in an appropriate way.
If in the course of employment an employee becomes aware of information which they reasonably believe tends to show one or more of the following, they must use the Company’s disclosure procedure set out below:
that a criminal offence has been committed, is being committed or is likely to be committed;
that a person has failed, is failing or is likely to fail to comply with any legal obligation to which he is subject;
that a miscarriage of justice that has occurred, is occurring, or is likely to occur;
that the health or safety of any individual has been, is being, or is likely to be, endangered;
that the environment, has been, is being, or is likely to be, damaged;
that information tending to show any of the above, is being or is likely to be deliberately concealed.
Disclosure Procedure
Information which an employee reasonably believes tends to show one or more of the above should promptly be disclosed to the director so that any appropriate action can be taken.
Employees will suffer no detriment of any sort for making such a disclosure in accordance with this procedure. For further guidance in relation to this matter or concerning the use of the disclosure procedure generally, employees should speak in confidence to the director.
15. Disciplinary Rules and Procedure
1. The Company’s aim is to encourage improvement in individual performance and conduct. Employees are required to treat members of the public and other employees equally in accordance with the Equal Opportunities Policy. This procedure sets out the action which will be taken when disciplinary rules are breached.
2. Principles:
(i) The list of rules is not to be regarded as an exhaustive list.
(ii) The procedure is designed to establish the facts quickly and to deal consistently with disciplinary issues. No disciplinary action will be taken until the matter has been fully investigated.
(iii) At every stage employees will have the opportunity to state their case and have a right to be accompanied by a fellow employee.
(iv) Only a Director has the right to suspend or dismiss. An employee may, however, be given a verbal or written warning by their immediate superior.
(v) An employee has the right to appeal against any disciplinary decision.
3. The Rules:
Breaches of the Company’s disciplinary rules which can lead to disciplinary action are:
• Failure to observe a reasonable order or instruction;
• Failure to observe a health and safety requirement;
• Inadequate time keeping;
• Absence from work without proper cause (including taking parental leave dishonestly);
• Theft or removal of the Company’s property;
• Loss, damage to or misuse of the Company’s property through negligence or carelessness;
• Conduct detrimental to the interests of the Company;
• Incapacity for work due to being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs;
• Physical assault or gross insubordination;
• committing an act outside work or being convicted for a criminal offence which is liable adversely to affect the performance of the contract of employment and/or the relationship between the employee and the Company;
• Failure to comply with the Company’s Equal Opportunities Policy.
4. The Procedure:
(i) Oral warning
If conduct or performance is unsatisfactory, the employee will be given a formal oral warning, which will be recorded. The warning will be disregarded after six months’ satisfactory service.
(ii) Written warning
If the offence is serious, if there is no improvement in standards, or if a further offence occurs, a written warning will be given which will include the reason for the warning and a note that, if there is no improvement after twelve months, a final written warning will be given.
(iii) Final written warning
If conduct or performance is still unsatisfactory, or if a further serious offence occurs within the 12-month period, a final written warning will be given making it clear that any recurrence of the offence or other serious misconduct within a period of one month will result in dismissal.
(iv) Dismissal
If there is no satisfactory improvement or if further serious misconduct occurs, the employee will be dismissed.
(v) Gross misconduct
If, after investigation, it is confirmed that an employee has committed an offence of the following nature (the list is not exhaustive) the normal consequence will be dismissal:
• theft of or damage to the Company’s property, incapacity for work due to being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs, physical assault and gross insubordination, discrimination or harassment contrary to the Company’s Equal Opportunities Policy.
While the alleged gross misconduct is being investigated, the employee may be suspended, during which time he or she will be paid the normal hourly rate. Any decision to dismiss will be taken by the employer only after a full investigation.
(vi) Appeals
An employee who wishes to appeal against any disciplinary decision must do so to the director within two working days. The employer will hear the appeal and decide the case as impartially as possible.
Contracting teachers may be employed by other Studios provided they are located no closer than 5km/mi from Tanwood.
When working for another employee at a Studio, it is strictly prohibited for teachers to replicate choreography, costuming or creative content of any kind.
Should any faculty members decide at any time to open a Studio of their own, it must not be within a 5km/mi radius of Tanwood.
Upon leaving employment with Tanwood, for a period of 2 years after the termination of the Agreement the Employee shall not solicit or seek business from any customers or clients of the Employer who were customers or clients of the Employer at the time during the 2 years immediately preceding the termination of the Agreement.
16. Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers at Tanwood School for Performing Arts (in line with CDET)
Fundamental Principles
Our teachers will:
Behave with integrity in all professional and business relationships. Integrity implies not merely honesty but fair dealing, courtesy and consideration.
Strive for objectivity in all professional and business judgements.
Not accept a teaching post or undertake work for which he or she is not competent or qualified.
Carry out his or her professional work with due skill, care and proper regard for the technical and professional standards expected of him or her.
Our teachers will:
Uphold and enhance the good standard and reputation of the school.
Work in a collaborative and co-operative manner with other dance professionals and organisations.
Not attempt to influence or intimidate any examiner at any examination or a judge at a competition.
Not discuss the merits or otherwise of competitors when acting as an adjudicator at any competition.
Our teachers will:
Work in an open and co-operative manner with students and families.
Ensure that students are not discriminated against on the grounds of sex, race, colour, religion, disability, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
Our teachers will:
Acknowledge any limitations in his/her knowledge and competency and take steps to practice in a fully skilled manner.
Assist professional colleagues, in the context of his or her own knowledge, experience and sphere of responsibility, to develop their professional competence.
Due skill and diligence
Our teachers will ensure that no action or omission on his or her part, or within his or her sphere of responsibility, is detrimental to the interests or safety of students.
Courtesy and consideration
Our teachers will:
Always act in such a manner as to promote and safeguard the interests and well-being of students.
Justify student trust and confidence.
Our teachers will ensure that confidential information obtained in the course of his or her professional work should not be used for personal advantage or be disclosed without the consent of the pupil or parent, except where there is a legal right or duty to disclose. All teachers should be aware of data protection legislation.
The school may seek publicity for its services, and advertise its achievements in any way consistent with the dignity of the profession.
A teacher should, under no circumstances, promote his or her services, or the services of another teacher, in such a way, or to such an extent, that amounts to harassment of the prospective pupil or parent.
A teacher should not publish, or cause to be published, any notice, newspaper, advertisement or any other matter likely to damage the standing of the profession or to damage or depreciate the reputation of any colleague, or school
Promotional material may contain any factual statement, the truth of which a teacher is able to justify, but should not make any disparaging references to, or disparaging comparisons with, the services of others.
Teaching names
A teacher may teach under whatever name or title he or she sees fit.
A teaching name should not be misleading.
A teacher will not use any title, description or designatory letters to which he or she is not entitled.
Statutory Requirements
Our teachers will:
Comply with all statutory requirements affecting health and safety at work.
Ensure the provision of adequate public/products liability insurance and employer liability insurance.
Comply with all the statutory requirements affecting the running of the business, including registration of names, income tax, value added tax and any other matter required by law.
Ensure that you are in accordance with the law with regard to copyright, recording, public performance and other matters concerning printed matter and recorded music related to your work.
Health and safety
We will:
1 ensure that classes are of a size appropriate to the levels and techniques being taught. Students in each class should be of compatible age and/or standard
2 ensure that facilities provided are adequately maintained and provide:
Suitable flooring appropriate to the technique taught, with a safe surface; designed and constructed to minimise the risk of injury.
Adequate heating levels.
Suitable, secure and safe area for changing.
3 be prepared to deal with medical emergencies and keep records in an accident book.
4 keep a record on the premises of the name and address of:
All students taught by you on the premises.
Any person assisting in teaching or looking after students.
Any musicians in employment with you.
Any persons living at the premises.
5 ensure that all fire regulations are displayed and adhered to.
17. Standards of good practice for the Relationship between Teachers and Student and Principals of the school.
We will;
1 have written, clearly defined aims and objectives setting out the broad goals to be achieved by the school. A similar set of objectives will be stated which outline the benefits a pupil can expect to receive through the teaching staff’s conscientious implementation of them. Ideally a teacher will have a written policy on the treatment of injured students and also protection of children.
2 employ teaching staff with experience and qualifications appropriate to the levels and techniques to be taught. Student teachers should be trained and supervised to ensure maintenance of the school’s teaching standards.
3 conform to sound business practice and provide an efficient and fair fee system suitable to circumstances without undervaluing your services.
4 apply appropriate teaching aims and assessment procedures to students.
5 ensure that students and families receive or have access to advice when necessary.
6 use adequate and flexible teaching skills to create a productive learning environment.
Individual teachers will:
Encourage communication between student and him/herself and other students.
Communicate a love of dance and encourage the art of dance.
Demonstrate professional attitudes, including punctuality, reliability and responsible care of students.
Develop self-discipline and self motivation in the students.
Transmit general concepts of movement in addition to those of a particular dance style.
Develop in the students an appreciation of the characteristic style of each specific discipline taught.
7 recognise and develop each student’s potential and offer appropriate guidance for further progress.
8 endeavour to recognise physical anomalies/differences and limitations, modifying the teaching and seeking medical advice where necessary. The teaching and choreography must be anatomically safe, and physical corrections must be attempted in a careful and sensitive manner.
9 uphold the rules of the school and their registered society/organisations
10 They shall devote all of his/her working time, attention, knowledge, and skills to Tanwoods business interests and shall do so in good faith, with best efforts, and to the reasonable satisfaction of the Principal. They agree to refrain from any interest, of any kind whatsoever, in any business competitive to Tanwood. The Employee further acknowledges they will not engage in any form of activity that produces a “conflict of interest†with those of the Tanwood.
18. A Charter for pupils, parents and Teachers of Tanwood School for Performing Arts.
This charter is the basis of a three-way agreement between pupils, their parents and the school (the teachers and the directors) which defines clearly what we are setting out to achieve, what each of us promises, the standards we are setting and what we will do if things do go wrong.
Pollyann Tanner(director)
Pupils Promise
to attend school regularly and promptly
to set themselves high standards of work and to pursue them to the best of their ability
to complete all assignments to the best of their ability and on time
to develop regular habits of independent practice.
to use the support of teachers and parents in working successfully
to set themselves high standards of behaviour and to accept the proper discipline of the school
to respect one another, their parents, their teachers and other people they meet in school and in the community
to make sure that they are properly equipped for each lesson
to respect the school's equipment, buildings and grounds
to look after and return promptly all music costumes props and resource materials lent to them by the school
to set themselves high standards of personal hygiene and appearance, including being appropriately dressed for all activities
to participate as active members of the school, in outside activities, shows and competitions and so on, to the best of their ability
to promote the good name of the school within the community.
Parents Promise
to work in partnership with the school in the training of their children
to show their children regularly that they are interested in their work and that they support it
to provide appropriate equipment and uniform for their children
to provide a place where their children can regularly practice and encourage them to develop the self discipline to do it properly
to ensure that their children attend class regularly and promptly and to provide a clear written explanation of any legitimate absence
to support the school's standards of behaviour and to assist the school, promptly and whole-heartedly, in its efforts to sort out problems when they occur
to join, in positive partnership, in discussion with an appropriate teacher when there is any matter of concern regarding their children
to support, within their means, the school's efforts to raise funds to improve its facilities and support pupils' work
to promote the good name of the school within the community
School Promises
to use its resources as effectively as possible for the benefit of each of its pupils
to treat every pupil as an individual in a pleasant and caring environment in line with our equal opportunities statement.
to design its timetable in accordance with the demands of our examining bodies and to meet the needs of individuals and offer personal challenges.
to provide a disciplined atmosphere in which pupils can enjoy working
to develop self-discipline in its pupils and an ethos of mutual respect among all its members
to report regularly to parents on their children's progress and to make clear how pupils can best make progress
to inform parents promptly of any significant concern regarding their children and to offer an early opportunity for discussion with an appropriate member of staff
to provide advice and guidance in training, career, financial, and personal issues, with further referral where necessary.
to enhance our reputation as a school of high standards and to provide every opportunity for its pupils to achieve excellence
to provide teaching by professional, committed, well-trained and sensitive staff
to ensure the most favourable pupil: teacher ratio its resources will allow
to enter pupils for external examination/assessment,
to provide a wide variety of experiences to extend pupils and develop individual talents
to introduce a wide range of opportunities for learning outside the school
to welcome parents into partnership in the training of their children
to define a uniform for pupils which sets clear standards of smartness and is practical, hardwearing and inexpensive
to respond quickly, fully and courteously to questions and any complaint
to promote the good name of the school within the community
© Tanwood School for Performing Arts 2006
19. Tanwood School for Performing Arts Child Protection Policy
1. It is the policy of the school to provide efficient, up-to-date, enjoyable and safe instruction in dance to all pupils who enrol in the school or join in the classes or activities.
2. The premises and equipment will be checked regularly for any defects or faults that exist or may have developed which might present hazards to any attending the premises.
3. The premises will be cleaned regularly to prevent any hazard to health from accumulated dirt or rubbish.
4. All instruction will be geared to the previous experience and abilities of the pupil(s) and no person will be required to perform movements beyond their intrinsic capabilities. Staff will be sensitive to all pupils’ religious beliefs and culture.
5. No energetic instruction will be given without pupils undergoing a "warm-up" session, and after an energetic session completing a "warm-down" session.
6. Smoking is not permitted in the building .It will be restricted to areas where ventilation is adequate and to which young children will not be admitted.
7. A day book will be kept to allow records to be kept of any incident in the school, injuries of any nature to staff or pupils and the dates when fire extinguishers, fire alarms and so on have been serviced.
8. No very young pupil will be allowed to leave the school premises until collected by a parent, guardian or other adult authorized to do so by a parent or guardian. A member of staff will remain on the premises until all pupils have left.
9. No pupil under age 16 will be driven home by a member of staff in his/her car without the permission of a parent or guardian or in the event of an emergency.
10. Normally no member of staff will be alone with a young pupil for any substantial period of time without the consent of a parent or other authorized person.
11. Changing facilities will be provided. Where possible parents should supervise their own children in the changing area otherwise supervision will not be by a single adult.
12. No child may be photographed or videoed without the consent of parent or guardian.
13. No staff will knowingly be employed who have a criminal record for child molestation. Where appropriate suitable checks will be made with the Protection of Children Act list and the DfEE List 99 and if the applicant is recorded on either s/he will not be employed in a position that involves dealing with children.
14. Only suitably qualified persons will be employed in a teaching capacity while any student engaged to assist with teaching will work under the supervision of a qualified member of staff.
15. In the event of activities outside the school premises the instructors will regard themselves as being in "loco parentis" and, so far as applicable and within their control, apply the preceding and subsequent guide lines as if the event was in their own studio.
16. Teachers will avoid any unnecessary physical contact with pupils. However parents should understand that some aspects of teaching involve some contact. Where it is necessary teachers will use the utmost discretion and, in any event, not do so with another adult in the room.
17. The school principal(s) will ensure that s/he and the members of staff are properly covered against incidents involving public liability and professional negligence insurance.
18. The school principal(s) undertake not to involve in misleading or false advertising.
19. No form of discrimination, by religion, Colour, the child’s background and so on will be tolerated in the school.
20. At all times, all staff will endeavor to keep the highest standards of instruction, and behavior. The school principals retain the right to discharge from the school any pupil who persistently disrupts the tuition, uses offensive language, or other anti-social behavior.
20. Data Protection Consent
I hereby consent to information relating to me being processed, by the Company in order that it may properly carry out its duties, rights and obligations as my employer. I understand that such processing will principally be for personnel, administrative and payroll purposes.
I understand that information about me shall include information of a sensitive personal nature.
I also understand that the term ‘processing’ includes the obtaining, recording or holding of information or data or carrying out any operation or set of operations on the information or data, including organising, altering, retrieving, consulting, using, disclosing, combining, or destroying the information or data.