The proper signing of this release form is a condition of participation in dance classes at DDA. The signature of a parent or guardian is required in the case of a participant who is under the age of 18. We, (or I) hereby give permission to attend dance classes to be held at DDA located at 1269 Coffeen Ave, Sheridan, WY 82801. We (I), hereby release DDA, teachers, and assistant teachers from all claims on account of any injuries, loss or damage sustained to person or property of our (my) minor child while attending classes at DDA. We (I) agree to indemnify DDA, teachers, and assistant teachers from any claim which may hereafter be presented by our (my) minor child s a result of such injuries, loss, or damage. We (I) understand that payment for the first of the month is required with registration, and thereafter due on the first of every month. There will be a $50.00 late fee added if these fees are not paid by the 10th of the month. Furthermore, I understand all classes and times are subject to change based on enrollment. I understand that there will be NO refunds given.
As the parent/guardian of a child(ren) at DDA, I agree to the following child(ren) whose name(s) are listed below may be photographed during DDA classes, but not limited to, normal class hours, recitals, festivals and camp activities. I understand they may be used in promoting DDA services, either in print or on the internet. I give permission for my child(ren) to be photographed or their images recorded for print or electronic use in promotional services. I understand that it is my responsibility to update this form in the event that I no longer wish to authorize consent. I agree that this form will remain in effect during the term of my child's enrollment. I understand that there will be no payment for me or my child's participation.
The proper signing of this release form is a condition of participation in dance classes at DDA. The signature of a parent or guardian is required in the case of a participant who is under the age of 18. We, (or I) hereby give permission to attend dance classes to be held at DDA located at 1269 Coffeen Ave, Sheridan, WY 82801. We (I), hereby release DDA, teachers, and assistant teachers from all claims on account of any injuries, loss or damage sustained to person or property of our (my) minor child while attending classes at DDA. We (I) agree to indemnify DDA, teachers, and assistant teachers from any claim which may hereafter be presented by our (my) minor child s a result of such injuries, loss, or damage. We (I) understand that payment for the first of the month is required with registration, and thereafter due on the first of every month. There will be a $50.00 late fee added if these fees are not paid by the 5th of the month. Furthermore, I understand all classes and times are subject to change based on enrollment. I understand that there will be NO refunds given.