I accept that by completing this form I am voluntarily giving permission for myself/my child to take part in Move Momentum’s classes and events. I acknowledge that there is an element of risk involved when taking part in physical activity and whilst strict precautions have been taken by Move Momentum, including by staff, freelancers and volunteers, that sometimes injuries or damage to assets may occur. I am fully aware of the risks that are involved with the activity and assume all risks and hazards incidental to the conduct of the activity. Considering this I hereby waive any claims against Move Momentum and voluntarily ask for permission for myself/my child to participate. I promise to make the instructors aware of any injuries or conditions which may affect myself/my child’s participation in the activity. In the unlikely event of illness or accident, I give permission for any appropriate first aid to be given by the nominated first aider. In an emergency, and if the emergency contact cannot be contacted, I am willing for myself/my child to be given hospital treatment, including anaesthetic if necessary. I understand that every effort will be made to contact the emergency contact as soon as possible. By signing this form, you are agreeing to our Terms & Conditions and Student Code of Conduct (which can be found on our website) and that all the above details are complete and correct to the best of your knowledge. All data collected will be stored in compliance with GDPR laws, for information on how we use, and store data please see our privacy and data protection policy made available on our website.
I give permission to be contacted via email by Move Momentum for marketing purposes such as newsletters, event information, fundraising campaigns, general updates and special offers. We will not contact you via SMS, telephone or post for marketing purposes. Please note that you can opt out of marketing emails at any time.