•No food or drink on the dancefloor. Water ONLY!
•Please use the restroom before class
•Please do not enter the dance room during classes.
•There are no refunds on classes. Missed classes may be made up in appropriate genre.
•One free trial class is provided to new students only. Additional trial classes are available at $15 per class.
•Dress Code is enforced. Please see dress code at www.downtowndancecollective.com
I understand that Downtown Dance Collective, LLC does not give refunds for classes missed due to holiday, vacation, illness, bad weather and other ‘acts of God’, etc.
I further understand that there are specific risks of physical or property damages, losses, or injury that may result from my personal, and/or my child’s, participation in activities at or associated with Downtown Dance Collective LLC, and I voluntarily assume the risks associated with such participation.
I will not hold Downtown Dance Collective, LLC or any of the instructors or staff liable for any accidents, injuries or sicknesses of my child or self, as a result of normal class participation or performance activity.
I give permission for my child and/or self to be photographed and/or video-recorded during class activities and performances with the understanding that they may be used for promotional purposes as authorized by Downtown Dance Collective, LLC. I understand I will receive no immediate or future compensation for these video recordings or photographic images.