When you register online, you are paying for your first month of tuition. An enrollment fee of $25 is charged at the time of enrollment. Tuition charge is based on the entire dance year, but for your convenience, may be paid over a 10 month period. Once tuition is collected, refunds are NOT given. First month's tuition is due at the time of registration. Each month thereafter, tuition payments are due on the 1st of each month and will incur a late fee of $15 per class if not paid by the 15th. Bills will not be mailed. Tuition thirty days past due will result in the suspension of your student's dance instruction until the account is brought current. Returned Checks: In addition to all bank fees, a returned check fee of $25.00 per check will be assessed for each check your bank returns to us unpaid. If we receive 2 such returns from your bank, all further transactions must be by cash or credit card for the remainder of the dance year. All costume charges for the recital must be fully paid prior to ordering. Costume charges may be paid by check, cash or credit card during regular office hours. All tuition, late fees, dance portrait fees, and/or any other outstanding balances must be paid in full prior to the release of Summer recital tickets. Account balances must be paid in full before any student is permitted to perform in the Summer Recital. Tuition, registration fees, costume payments, convention fees, and performance tickets are non-refundable. Ripon Academy of Dance reserves the right to use any pictures or video taken during dance classes, rehearsals and performances for media and advertising purposes. Ripon Academy of Dance is not responsible for student property. Any student destroying or damaging Studio property will be promptly dismissed and billed for the damages. Students are not permitted to smoke or chew gum on Studio property. All pointe students are required to enroll and participate in the advanced ballet class. The Studio requests that each student enrolled consult with a physician with respect to any past or present illness or injury that may affect his/her participation in and ability to endure his/her chosen dance programs. Non-compliance with the policies of the Studio may result in the dismissal of a student and/or family at the Studio's discretion.
By registering, I acknowledge that I have read the above paragraph, that I understand it, and that, if necessary, I have discussed with my physician the dance program and physical and/or emotional illnesses or injuries I or my child have. I acknowledge that dance is an active sport and that injuries are possible as with any sporting activity. I agree to be solely responsible for any and all costs, damages, and expenses incurred by me and/or my child as a result of any injury sustained from participation in any classes taken at Ripon Academy of Dance. I further agree not to hold Ripon Academy of Dance, its staff and/or instructors responsible in any way for such injury. I agree not to hold Ripon Academy of Dance or its staff responsible for my child or myself while he/she is not in class.