I grant permission to the staff to take first aid or emergency measures as judged necessary for the care and protection of myself/my child while under the supervision of the Adagio Dance Academy (the school). In case of medical emergency, I understand that myself/my child will be transported to an appropriate medical facility by the local emergency unit (or by personal vehicle if appropriate) for treatment. I understand that in some medical situations the staff will need to contact the emergency resource before the child's parent, physician and/or other person acting on the child's behalf. I also understand and agree that the adult dancer, child's parent, or legal guardians shall be responsible for any expenses incurred. As the parent/legal guardian of the registered dancer(s) or myself if adult student, I agree to hold harmless from any and all liability the school, its officers, employees both in their professional capacity and personally from any and all injury or illness resulting from or in any way connected with his/her participation in the classes, activities, or special events at the school or sanctioned venue.