Liability Wavier/Release and Assumption of Risk
The Parent/Guardian recognizes and acknowledges that there is a risk of injury associated with participation in ballet and the Parent/Guardian waives all liability against Kristina Pulcini Ballet Academy LLC, it's owners, employees, agents and assigns for injury to their child.
The Parent/ Guardian waives all liability against Kristina Pulcini Ballet Academy LLC, it's owners, employees, agents and assigns for injury to their child as a result of contracting any illness at the Kristina Pulcini Ballet Academy LLC and/or while participating in classes, rehearsals, performances or any event held under the direction of Kristina Pulcini Ballet Academy LLC including but not limited to coronavirus, hepatitis, Staph Infection and other transmissible diseases.
The Parent/Guardian understands that certain ballet form and style corrections may include manual physical contact and manipulation and the Parent/Guardian assumes all risk of injury to their child.
The Parent/Guardian recognizes and acknowledges that there is a risk associated with participating in the instruction and performance of ballet and other forms of dance and the Parent/Guardian agrees to assume all risks of injury.
The Parent/Guardian waives all liability against Kristina Pulcini Ballet Academy LLC, it's owners, employees, agents and assigns for negligence resulting in injury to their child.
The Parent/Guardian accepts responsibility for any property damage caused by their child and the Parent/Guardian agrees to indemnify Kristina Pulcini Ballet Academy LLC for all such losses.
Unless the Parent/Guardian informs Kristina Pulcini Ballet Academy LLC in writing otherwise, the Parent/Guardian consents to Kristina Pulcini Ballet Academy LLC taking video/filming and photographs of their child in classes, rehearsals and performances and using the photos and video on but not limited to the Kristina Pulcini Ballet Academy LLC website, in brochures and programs.
The Parent/Guardian/Student agrees not to publish photographs of any other member of the ballet academy on any public domain.
The Parent/Guardian/Student agrees not to publish Kristina Pulcini Ballet Academy LLC performance video on any public domain.
In the event ballet classes go online/virtual via Zoom or other online platform, the Parent/Guardian consents to their child taking virtual online classes at KP Ballet. The Parent/Guardian agrees to clear an area for the child's virtual ballet class that ensures it is safe to dance. The Parent/Guardian will make sure the child can move and is able to lift their arms and kick their legs without hitting anything. The Parent/Guardian will make sure the area is big enough that if the child slips or loses their balance they won't hit their head on anything. The Parent/Guardian understands and agree to adhere to the policy that only enrolled KP Ballet dancers may participate in virtual ballet classes. The Parent/Guardian understands and agree to adhere to the policy that the links to classes are only for KP Ballet dancers.
The Parent/Guardian waives and releases all claims, liabilities, actions, damages, costs or expenses of any nature whatsoever arising out of the photographing and/or filming of their child at the Kristina Pulcini Ballet Academy LLC studio or any Kristina Pulcini Ballet Academy LLC performance.
By Signing below, the Parent/Guardian agrees to waive and hold harmless the Kristina Pulcini Ballet Academy LLC, its owners, employees, agents and assigns from all injuries, liabilities, claims, actions, or damages sustained or incurred by their child, arising as a result of their child's participation as a student of the Academy including but not limited to participation in a class, performance, or other activity at the Academy or at any other location used by the Academy including but not limited to performances or a social activity.
The Parent/Guardian agrees to abide by all Kristina Pulcini Ballet Academy LLC Policies and Regulations as explained in the Registration materials and/or on the KPBA website.
By selecting the "I agree to the terms and conditions" checkbox, I am signing this agreement electronically. I agree this electronic signature is the legal equivalent of my manual signature on this agreement.
I have had sufficient opportunity to read this entire document. I have read and understood it, and I agree to be bound by its terms. I have also read the Kristina Pulcini Ballet Academy Policies on the website, understand them, and agree to be bound by them.
Parent/Guardian Consent: I authorize Kristina Pulcini Ballet Academy teachers and/or staff to call 911 if they in their sole judgment believe there is a medical emergency involving my child and I consent to emergency medical treatment of my child. I agree to be responsible for all costs associated with the emergency medical treatment of my child.
Electronic Signature Agreement: By agreeing to this waiver, I am signing this agreement electronically. I agree this electronic signature is the legal equivalent of my manual signature on this agreement.
I have had sufficient opportunity to read this entire document. I have read and understood it, and I agree to be bound by its terms.