EXTENSIONS Policy Contract
_____ Tuition is due through 1st through the 7th of each month. All classes must be paid for in advance. Tuition not paid by the 7th of each month becomes late and receives a late fee charge of $35.00. NO EXCEPTIONS.
_____If during the first week of the month when tuition is due, the student does not attend class for any reason (i.e., illness, vacation, the studio is closed, canceled class, etc.), you are still obligated to pay tuition by the 7th. You may pay early, pay through your Parent Portal, drop it in the door slot, post date a check during the prior week or mail your payment, to avoid the late fee. Extensions does not mail statements, it is the responsibility of the account holder to pay tuition on time. Some holidays may land during the time in which tuition is due. Payment is still due by the 7th.
_____Extensions has a $30 registration fee ($50 Max per family) to be paid for each student that is registered to your account on the day that they are signed up. It is a one time fee, however if you choose to discontinue your enrollment, you will be required to pay the $30 fee if you return.
_____If tuition and the late fee are not paid by the 15th of the month, the student will not be permitted to attend class. If payment is still not received by the 20th, the student may be dropped and will lose their place in their class(es).
_____No refunds, or transfers, will be given for tuition. If the student stops attending classes their tuition will be forfeited.
_____NO SHARING ACCOUNTS. Only your children are allowed to be under your own account. NO EXCEPTIONS.
_____ A make-up class is offered for absences to a paid class. Please see the front desk for a make-up class schedule. Students have two weeks after an absence to make-up a class.
_____ If you decide at any time to discontinue your enrollment at EXTENSIONS, you must notify the front desk by email before the end of the month. If you fail to notify us, you will be responsible for the next month’s tuition and no refunds will be given.
_____ There is a $35.00 service charge on all returned checks. If a check is returned to us from the bank unpaid your account may be changed to cash only for the duration of your enrollment at Extensions.
____ Extensions communicates ALL information through email and fliers on the information board. Please make sure that you include your email address when filling out your registration card. Not doing so may cause you to miss out on important information and events.
_____ Tuition is based on a 4 week month. In some cases due to holidays, etc., there will be 3 week months. Full tuition is still due. When a 5 week month occurs, tuition will not go up. However, a make-up class may be taken when 3 week months occur. Please see the front desk and they will do their best to find you a make-up class. There may be rare occasions in which one is not available to you.
_____ Students must stay in the building at all times. If a student has been given permission by their parent to get food in the surrounding restaurants then the student may leave the premises. Extensions does not take responsibility for your child once they leave the building. Students will not be permitted to wait outside in front of the studio for their ride.
_____ All students must comply with the dress code policy, failure to comply may result in the student being unable to participate in that class. (Dress Code Policy is located in your New Student Information manual)
_____ Any damage done to or on Extensions property by any patron will be said patrons responsibility to pay for any repairs needed.
_____ All students must arrive on time for class. If a student is late 15 minutes or more for class they must get permission from the instructor to participate in the rest of the class.
_____ LIABILITY DISCLAIMER: Extensions Performing Arts Academy and the instructors are not liable for any personal injuries due to any physical activity. Please inform your instructor of any physical limitations you may have. If you doubt your physical abilities, please consult with your physician before participating.
_____ I have received the New Student Information manual and understand that it is my responsibility to read and adhere to the remaining policies and procedures.
_____ Extensions may photograph or videotape classes and special events and/or Extensions social media accounts. I understand my image or the student’s image may be used in an appropriate manner at the discretion of Extensions owners and staff.
_____ COVID-19 Procedures. If you are feeling unwell or sick, Stay at home. Do not enter the premises if you have the following symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath). Please wear a face mask. Please wait in your cars to limit the amount of people inside the building.
By entering Extensions and/or attending classes I agree to: Abide by the procedures established by the establishment to protect staff, students and families. Not entering the building or attending classes if my dancer or anyone in my household has displayed any symptoms of COVID-19 in the last 48 hours. I voluntarily assume the risk that me/or my child/family may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19. I agree to assume all risks involved with attendance and participation for me and my child/family. I waive any and all liability against Extensions Performing Arts Academy, its staff and its owners.
I have read and understand the above policies and procedures of Extensions Performing Arts Academy. I understand that I am required to follow the dress code policy, tuition policy, and all policies of the studio. I agree to the above stated requirements.
Signature ____________________________________________________________ Date ________________
Students Name ___________________________________
Students Name ___________________________________
Students Name ___________________________________
Students Name ___________________________________